Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech

Cool. The same tactic used with Hillary. Yet she’s still kicking.

It’s sad this is the level we have sunk to to hate an opponent.

The thing is, there’s really sophisticated ways to fake video. Then there’s really cheap, stupid, and obvious ways. This platform chooses the latter. Because target audience, I guess.


Criminalized? Sued? Which is it? They are legally two different things.
It sounds like you are listening to legal lectures from Biden.

It takes a skilled magician to fool an adult. Children are entertained by the clowns.


It worked on Hillary?
I thought Russia beat Hillary…err no it was Comey…no it was sexist women…er no…

Oh great, here we go again with the “I’m not a doctor, but…” threads.

Where the D candidates are allowed to be diagnosed by all the licensed physicians of the forum, but when Trump is given the “all-clear” by a quack in a lab coat, then the final authority on Trump’s beautiful health has spoken, and no further discussion is allowed.


Wow, even in that edited hit piece of a video Biden sounds head and shoulders smarter than Trump.

A word of advice to Trump supporters, don’t make the ability to speak articulately an issue in this campaign. Trump will come out the loser.


This is why most of us avoid sites like “The American Mirror” for our news.


Only fake news can get one of these idiot Democrat’s elected.

You’re proposing a Biden campaign slogan something like this:
’I’m a demented dumb ass but I’m smarter than Trump’
I like it. I hope he runs with that.


I second that! :+1:

Worked with Hillary Clinton. Too funny. The same thing is over in the “Teleprompter Problem” thread.
Its gong to be a fun 2020.

Maybe he has Parkinson’s!

A word of advice to Democrat supporters, If they pushed the Russian collusion lie they lack the morals and values to occupy the White House.

I suspect that they are not mutually exclusive. OJ Simpson comes to mind as a possible example to demonstrate that both are possible.

It speaks volumes that you considered Trump is dumber than a “demented dumb ass (sic)”.

If Biden is the nominee he won’t need to use that as a slogan, it would be self evident that he’s smarter than Trump.

As for dementia, Trump is second to no one.

A word of advice to Democrats, put pants directly on your head. It’s got two holes in case you have a rabbit up there too.


Phony video. Politics of personal destruction. Its a shame Republicans don’t run on issues… but with the debt exploding thanks to the last tax cut there are no more tax cuts and other than putting children into Concentration Camps, what have the Republicans got left to run on. So its personal destruction 24x7.


None of the dem contenders are as smart as Trump…critics either for that matter.

Barring a recession Trumps wins reelection handily.