Joe Biden caught in another lie! Boilermakers Union does not support socialist Joe Biden

yes you do

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Outraged by the constant lies and lack of character displayed by the Republican Party, this Republican when Independent. But yeah, you’re pretty spot on.

Nah, that’s you guys thing.

Trump is Trump. nothing more, nothing less. The Obamassiah and his sidekick swamp prophet is you guys thing.

lol… another fake republican.

Who? And I need certifiable proof. Go ahead.

So what both of you are saying is, blue collar workers, especially boilermaker workers, are incapable of thinking for themselves and knowing what their own best interests are.


The communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership is known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Thank you for making my point about the current lack of character. Dorthy called, she wants her strawman back.

The International Boilermakers Union is actually doing the right thing, and they simply have what the union stands for on their web site, and tells its workers that voting is a personal choice regarding whom they pick and that the union has not endorsed either candidate.

Pretty much imo.

Your post indicates you are incapable of unbiased thinking and embracing self-evident truths. And, that is in addition to assuming blue collar workers cannot think for themselves and assess what their own best interests are.

I can assure you neither unionized boilermaker workers are stupid, nor are the following unionized blue collar workers stupid. They know the very real threat to their generous employer provided health insurance plans if there is a Biden/Harris win.

Electrical Workers

Pipe fitters




Elevator Industry workers


ETC. . .


The socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership is known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Show me the billboard Obama fans put up comparing him to Jesus then.

you posted a pic, you didn’t answer my question about who put it up.

No idea. The company that owns the billboard won’t disclose who had it put up. But, c’mon, if a billboard like that had shown up with Obama instead no way in hell you all would say that it might not have been Obama supporters that put it up.

so you have no proof its not a biden supporters attempt at political satire. okay

lets not forget bidens false advertising

Some are just unhappy that Biden “crowd” sizes aren’t big enough to brag about.

Most can be counted on 2 hands if not 1 hand.

Everything is fake. All the stories, all the polls, everything.

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Here is the latest [10/20/20] on the Biden fraudulent claim that PA Boilermakers Union supports him.

Shawn Steffee of Boilermakers Local 154 lays out the cold hard facts!



The socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership is known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

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More Biden lies.

Malcoun, who was chosen to play the role of struggling business owner in the Biden ad, donated a total of $5,000 to the Biden campaign in July and previously donated to numerous other Democratic causes, according to the Federal Election Commission.

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Dec 2007 South Carolina
Better than a billboard

“I give all praise and honor to God,” Obama began. “Look at the day the Lord has made.”

“Obama’s wife, Michelle, opened the rally with a description of her husband that could, at moments, have been a description of Jesus Christ.”

“We need a leader who’s going to touch our souls. Who’s going to make us feel differently about one another. Who’s going to remind us that we are one another’s keepers. That we are only as strong as the weakest among us,” she said, echoing biblical passages.

Then. High priestess Oprah spoke:

In Winfrey’s telling, the protagonist – an old woman who had survived slavery and the Civil War – would ask every child, “Are you the one? Are you the one?”

“I do believe I do today we have the answer to Miss Pittman’s question – it’s a question that the entire nation is asking – is he the one?” Winfrey said. “South Carolina – I do believe he’s the one.”

“members of the audience raising their arms in “O” salutes.”

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