Jim Jordan investigates Jack Smith Who cares?

The indisputable proof that Trump had nuclear secrets can easily be countered with making up a scenario where Biden had Nuclear Secrets and then accuse the person pointing it out as having clutched at pearls.

I do find it amusing at least.


What I find funny is the fact that you don’t care that Biden a senile old liar who has already stolen military secrets is probably stealing more and more every day. Hur has already stated that biden is too senile to know what he is doing. Wonder what hunter already has laid away for the day that biden is kicked out of the White House? Because it seems the only way the bidens know how to make money is to pedal United States secrets to foreign countries.

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It’s like Opposite Day.

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Can’t blame the man.
With rasor thin majority PLUS a few Rs in name only, in one place, he has NOthing to fight with.
Let’s be reasonable.

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Plus Schiff is a totally dishonest piece of Crap.

I think Jordan to be honest.


First Rs need to get of their ass and give them some decent Majority.
THEN they need to stand together and not eat each other at every corner.
I thank God we have Jordan somewhere there.
Look how many good people left Congress…they’re running a business now at FOX …WHY !!!

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Every day is Opposite Day


Lol Jim Jordan Republican launched an “investigation” :clown_face:

There’s nothing there.

As always.

Shall we all pat his head now?

Deflecting again I see.

The part where the President of the United States is stealing Secrets to sell in the funniest part.

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The part where you don’t care as long as it is a democrat is very telling. No go troll someone else.

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Make up a thing… pretend it is real… admonish libs for supporting made up thing…

It’s pretty great.

Still trolling I see.