January 6th Commission Thread

It’s a myth…

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By beating police with blue lives matter flags? What political statement is that making?

Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn said that pro-Trump rioters shouted racial slurs at him and beat other officers with Blue Lives Matter flags during the insurrection that left five people dead

So… buy a mirror?


Interesting observation.

Those walls and razor wire toppers are staying…forever.


No. It’s about radicalized Republicans who actually tried to prevent the certification of the Electoral College. They were prepared to capture and execute members of Congress and Mike Pence and anybody they could have gotten their hands on.

Let’s stick to what Republicans actually did, not play make believe about things that didn’t happen.

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Got to disagree.

Libs need to call em terrorist so they don’t have to face the facts of life.

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Yeah, there’s no “both sides” ing this one.

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The Republicans didn’t do it, a few Trump supporters did.

Right…and that offends you?

If they were Muslims and did the same exact thing you would be joining the calls

Lol, no radicals on the left, hilarious.

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You jumped two steps ahead of the commission mission.

The radicals needed to get inside first and the very expensive security had to fall asleep at the switch.

Of course there is. Did you forget an entire summer? The other attacks on the same building in history?

This really isn’t that special.

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About half of all Republicans approve of the attempt at seizing power, so it’s not exactly like they’re outliers in the GOP.

Interesting how you are able to determine the criminals that broke into the Capitol building were “Republicans”. We’re they wearing ID tags or something?

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He shouldn’t have carried it as far as he did.

Everyone expected Trump to not accept the results of a loss… but dragging it out long after the election had been all but decided is something new.

Furthermore, using those weeks to whip up his supporters… gathering them together… giving them a target and then telling them to go to that target is beyond the pale in American politics.

I know that some want to down play this… but it is really really really bad.

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That tried to storm the Capitol? I know of 1, were there more?

Libs wish they did what those guys did back in 2016.

The fact that they showed em how it was done what really pisses them off.
