It's Official- the Georgia Runoffs Are THE Battle

There will be more money put into these races and more attention than any normal run off. If you want a limousine to take you to the polling place, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could get one for free.
I pity the people of Georgia for all the calls and messages they are going to get on their phones.

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If there was preferential voting, there would be no need to have a run-off election.


The question is who can do trumpism as well as he does.

I would say he is a unique politician who cannot be duplicated by anyone else.


It’s beginning to sound like y’all are more attached to Trump than we are.

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Oh look…it’s already starting…:rofl:

I’m sorry, we can’t chose our next potus candidate for ourselves? Let me put you at ease. Democrats don’t get to dictate our choices.

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Yeah easy win in 2024 with trump the candidate.


Many of us said for years that we liked Trump’s policies, not Trump as a person. You now think that your prediction of us dropping Trump has come true. Sometimes people on this board are hard to understand.

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What is pref…never mind.

I, for one, will be very interested in who the Republican Party nominates in 2024. I could definitely be swayed in that direction. Especially if the Democratic Party ends up going further left over the next 4 years.

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Not so fast.

Dem Senator Joe Manchin has already rejected ‘crazy socialism’, so even if Dems take both seats, it’s probably going to be a hollow victory for Dems.

Biden isn’t pushing “crazy Socialism”.

That’s a fever dream.

They better keep a close eye on the Dominion voting equipment.

It’s the same thing, it just happens at the same time.

I will be too. I can always continue to vote libertarian if the GOP can’t get right.

Dems won, libs lost.

That is correct. The people who got him elected are.

Nothing to worry about then, no politician ever tries to appease their base.

Have to hold the alliance together for the sake of congress.