It's Official- the Georgia Runoffs Are THE Battle

Dan Sullivan has won re-election in Alaska as Senator.

That gives the Republicans 50 Senators to the Dems’ current 48.

The Battle Royale for Georgia begins now, as these two seats will determine the balance of power for the next two years at least.

Well there also is a chance of partying jumping. (Jumpin Jim jeffords anyone)


There is also a chance a seating Senator dies in office.

And replaced by the governor until the general election.


Yes but that doesn’t change that the battle is in Georgia now.

No, just how long any advantage won there would ultimately persist. Manchin is ripe for picking. His seats up in 2022 right? West Virginia is rabid Trump territory. Biden was all but laughed off the ballot there. And that isn’t going to get better if he makes moves in the climate change arena.

Most expensive runoff in U.S. history.

In 2024 lol.


Thought it was 2022, but still, look how his state voted and tell me he wouldn’t be smart to switch. Biden didn’t get 30% of the vote. You think Bidens climate policy will help? Lol.

I did say two years at least.

Manchin could lock up his 2024 run with a timely switch when needed.

Why switch before he needs to?


Makes a bigger splash if it changes the balance of power. And republicans will be more grateful and willing to overlook all the time he was a democrat.

Including let’s see wanting to oust trump from the Oval Office…

Don’t think that exactly endeared to republicans.


Which is why rescuing them from a democratic majority in the Senate would come in handy. He’s highly unlikely to win as a Democrat barring a miracle of some sort.

We can always hope…right?

Like Jeff Van Drew who was really always a Republican at heart anyway (you have to be to win Cape May County) but used the Dems’ money to get the seat.

Guaranteed no appointments to the administration from the senate if the state’s governor is a GOPer.

Hope? I was just stating facts.

8 senators in the past 20 years died in office.


Republicans have a very good chance of winning at least one of those Senate seats. I remember back in 1992 when Clinton won Georgia, the Republican candidate then ended up winning the run-off Georgia Senate race.

Libertarian party sure ■■■■■■ the GOP in 2020 at the national and at a few senate seats I am seeing. Purdue needed 50% to avoid runoff he got 49.7%. Libertarian last I saw 2.5% … Jill Stein then villain in 2016 don’t have nothing over the libertarian party blockage in 2020.

On the positive I don’t think the libertarian gets to run in the run off.