IT’S OFFICIAL: Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Giving FREE HEALTHCARE to All Illegal Immigrants 0-25 Years Old

Originally published at: IT’S OFFICIAL: Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Giving FREE HEALTHCARE to All Illegal Immigrants 0-25 Years Old | Sean Hannity

Far-left Governor Gavin Newsom signed new legislation this week that provides free healthcare to all illegal immigrants under the age of 25 residing in California; a program that will cost the state $98 million in new taxes.

“The budget extends health care benefits to California residents 19-25 years of age regardless of their immigration status. The bill, introduced earlier this year, is estimated to cover about 90,000 low-income residents overall and comes with a roughly $98 million price tag,” reports the Hill. “California already offers health care to residents under 19 years old regardless of their immigration status. The new law extends that coverage, under its Medi-Cal program, to an expanded age group.”

“The budget also provides support to middle-class families with monthly health insurance premiums, which will be paid for by reviving an individual mandate penalty, part of the Affordable Care Act, taxing individuals who do not have health insurance,” adds the website.

Read the full report at The Hill.

Original story: January 11, 2019

California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed budget this week; asking for upwards of $260 million to expand Medicaid to undocumented workers and illegal immigrants throughout the state.

“A Democratic proposal to extend government-funded medical coverage to low-income people who reside in California illegally would cost the state $260 million, according to the governor’s budget released Thursday,” reports the Washington Examiner.

The revised healthcare program would take effect July 2019 and is expected to expand Medicaid and other government subsidies to an additional 138,000 low-income individuals.

“Newsom has argued that his plan should be enacted because California residents are already paying for healthcare at the back end through fees to emergency departments,” adds the author.

Read the full report at the Washington Examiner.