It looks like Biden's invitation is being accepted

That’s what a lot of Americans said about my ancestors when they came.

They aren’t.

Neither you nor I is in a position to determine whether or not they are being “persecuted”.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s irrelevant.

Actually I am.

It is the only relevant issue with asylum. But you knew that.

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Then that is open borders, just a welcome card handed out at the border.


No one is “pulling the ladder up.” Having one of the most open immigration laws in the world and then enforcing when people break those laws and try to cheat their way in is not “pulling the ladder up”.
Straw man argument.


Why are they fleeing to a country allegedly with systemic racism?


And crossing the trail of rape to get here. Hell even Trump managed to get a half true on politifact with that one.

You would think the left wouldn’t want them to travel such a perilous journey as they are all about women’s rights :roll_eyes:

Dem and RINO words are to win power, whatever it takes. Dem and RINO actions are to secure more power, whatever that takes.

It’s is amazing how the Democratic Party won anything.

Oh that’s right, good policies.


I recall when hundreds of thousands of people fled communist in Vietnam, we accepted them.

“Then…if you would be perfect, sell all that you have, give it to the poor and come follow me.”


That’s true. I don’t get what passes for thinking along those lines.

so was planned parenthood, whats your point?

great, then canada can have these too

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As I already mentioned, while Margaret Sanger may have supported eugenics a hundred years ago, John Tanton supported eugenics publically as recently as 20 years ago.

And Dees was a masher when?

Asked and answered.

Sexual harrasment isn’t an ideological position.

This isn’t about demonizing the Tanton the man - it’s about pulling the curtain back on his ideology.

Misogyny is.

which makes your point exactly pointless.

having wrong positions on some things does not negate right ones