It has begun, Minneapolis will disband its police department, what will come of this sociological experiment?

Or how about this one?

If the person wants someplace to sleep over than a park bench, the city employee will have a place for them in an hour. What if the city’s homeless shelters are full that day? Or will it be hundreds of millions of dollars to have enough shelters in EVERY city?

I live five blocks away from a homeless shelter. Spare me. :roll_eyes:

So you’ve got self defense there. What’s your training in de-escilation?

I didn’t say it was or wasn’t someone from the neighborhood going looking in the car windows (and that’s a LOT different then rifeling through the cars isn’t it?). I said if someone happens to be coming through a neighborhood and they SEE this happening, how do they know the number to call.

Live in a small town. Everyone knows everyone. Someone comes into my neighborhood, they have a lot of eye’s on them.

How many city’s have homeless shelters? How many of them face overcrowding? Whoopty do you have a shelter 5 blocks from your house. What about the next city over? How about a city in your state 20 miles away?

Criminals typically look for easy targets. Armed targets aren’t easy ones. In my experience, as soon as someone confronts them, they’ll leave. The neighborhoods that get hit are the ones where people see ■■■■ going on and do nothing while waiting for the police to come rescue them.

We know how it goes with that. When seconds count, they’ll arrive in minutes.

Personal responsibility. What happens the next town over isn’t my problem.

Yes they are.

How many pull guns or fight with ARMED officers now?

Again, how many leave when armed officers show up? How many fight the officers?

Same one’s were lots of murders happen, and when the cops show up, nobody saw a thing and won’t say a thing.

Now throw in the other liberal mantra of no one should have guns (and they for some reason think that criminals will just give their’s up or something). Liberals get their way, you won’t have armed people in the neighborhoods.

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Except you will be taxed to pay for the services in the next town over. That becomes your problem of paying for it.

Sure. And how many times have the cops been called into those situations and ended up shooting the people who called them in the first place?

As for the Second Amendment, I firmly believe in the right of people to defend themselves, and that includes defending themselves against jackboot Authoritarians who also break the law. How do you like me now?

I pay taxes to educate people in Alabama as it is. I couldn’t possibly care less.

No as often as you would imply with that.

If you could only convince the liberals of that. But most of the one’s that want to defund the police, are the one’s that want to take away your right to have a gun for self defnese. Don’t you every forget that.

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Then why wait? Why not start writing your state government larger checks? If the liberals get their way, it will happen.

Clearly, more often than you realize.

You don’t know that. You’re assuming. I know many liberals who are also gun owners. Gun ownership isn’t limited by political affiliation.

Because I don’t have to. If you’re so worried about it, why don’t you? Personal responsibility right?

How many 9-1-1 calls are received nationwide daily that offers respond to? How many of those result in the person who called for help being shot? Give me numbers if you think it happens often. Yes I’m calling you out on your thinking.

Majority of liberals want guns banned. Plain and simple. They also don’t wan you to carry them outside your home (there goes your armed neighborhood watch), and they don’t want you to have magazines large enough to offer proper protection.

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There is no “majority of liberals.” Most Americans lean both ways. Hate to break it to you.

But you don’t care if you have to pay more money. You said so yourself a couple posts back. So why not start now?

Because I wan’t lower taxes. You don’t seem to care if you have to pay more eventually for the “defunding cops”.

And my person responsibility is: I don’t want higher taxes, there should be last resort safety nets and nothing more.

As for the 9-11 thing here you go:

Could have just looked it up yourself. I’m not going to waste time posting links. You can easily find them yourself, if you actually care to.

I don’t care because I really don’t have a choice in the matter. People like yourself made sure of that. If I had my way, the Federal Government would be disbanded, so there’s that.

The only reason that there are not more gun laws, is for now, judges are uphoding the 2nd amendment, and there are enough conservatives to fight for the right to keep and bear arms, to protect yourself and your family.

Now imagine if California and New York get their way with a Dem house/seante and Dem president where they can start ramrodding gun and ammo restriction (you know like the one introduced in January with a 30% tax on firearms, 50% tax on ammo). Next imagine a nationwide restricton on magazines that hold more than 8 bullets. Then the number of magazines you can have per gun. And the number of guns you can own.

You must not pay much attention to laws being passed in liberal states around the county (most get shot down by the courts).

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