It has begun, Minneapolis will disband its police department, what will come of this sociological experiment?

That seems to be a trend.

Maybe it’s time for the voters to take notice!

Not even a bit. seems to be you need a refresher course on reading.
Did i say “Camden has a lower crime rate then the nation?”
or did i say “Camden’s crime rate has DROPPED by a bigger % then the rest of the nation since 2012”

Figure it out and then try again.

My estimate is 51%

They should fire their Mayor.


It’s what they want let em’ have at it!
Wooo, Hooo!

Cuomo’s working on it.

They should fire him too.

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They are not interested in stats, they are wanting to tear down the system. America’s trust in institutions 2019 by Gallup police was in the top 3. Look at the bottom of the list, people have no trust in the media and congress.

Well, it’s Minnesota, the state is run by the liberal left-wing of the Democratic Party, so whatever form these law enforcement types may be, I’m pretty sure a union will be formed and all these new LEO will join it. How difficult do people think it will be to get a union member fired or even disciplined, once the unions run the show?

The legal aspects also are in question. If the LEO are working for a private corporation, will the citizens be able to sue that company for damages from any and all received grievances?

Who pays the salaries of these new liberal Utopian LEO?

What about mall cops? What is the approval rating for rent a cops? Will Minnesota be hiring Mall Cops R Us?

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I couldn’t figure out how to link the all 8 at once. But yes. They are serious that this is what the defunding is going to go for. Feel good get people killed stuff.

I don’t think defunded is the the right word. Here is another article on what they did:

“The transformation began after the 2012 homicide spike. The department wanted to put more officers on patrol but couldn’t afford to hire more, partly because of generous union contracts. So in 2013, the mayor and city council dissolved the local PD and signed an agreement for the county to provide shared services. The new county force is double the size of the old one, and officers almost exclusively patrol the city. (They were initially nonunion but have since unionized.) Increasing the head count was a trust-building tactic, says Thomson, who served as chief throughout the transition: Daily, noncrisis interactions between residents and cops went up. Police also got de-escalation training and body cameras, and more cameras and devices to detect gunfire were installed around the city.”(Emphasis mine)

A good part of the restructuring was economic. The cops they had were making a lot of money so they dissolved their police department so to free up their budget from those salaries and then essentially got almost twice as many cops at about the same costs by their restructuring.

As of the 8th Shea and Moynihan (according to rumor) are resigning. They’re apparently at odds with Dum Blasio? After a Standoff With de Blasio, Rumors That NYPD Police Commissioner Will Step Down | Vanity Fair

According to the Minneapolis city council, “the goal
Is a police free society”.

[quote=“zantax, post:131, topic:231979, full:true”]

Camden did not eliminate the police, they eliminated the salaries of the police department from their budget and was able to put much of those costs into the County budget. By doing so they were actually able to nearly double the number of police then they had by hiring a lot more officers at lower salaries.

From everything I’m hearing this is NOT what Minneapolis is planing on doing. The impression I am getting thus far is they do not want cops out on the streets The mindset of this movement is that the main reason for crime in minority neighborhoods is that the presence of the police as traditionally structured works to instigate the people as opposed to pacify them. My impression is that they want something more like a community based social force, likely not even armed. Almost like a bunch of social workers in some type of uniform, likely a t-shirt with some sort of feel good slogan on the front and or back and slacks. We’ll just have to wait and see.

The more i read about Camden the more i see it was also about forcing all the officers to re-apply for their job. so the ones that had a history of complaints, the ones that were being protected by the union, the ones that were the bad apples were not re-hired.

As for what they are doing in Minneapolis, there has not been 1 proposal yet. The city charter requires a police force (albeit smaller then the current one) and they can’t change the city charter without a vote of citizens.

So you (and i) have NO idea what Minneapolis is planning on doing as they don’t either yet. They said they know the goals and now will look for a solution. What we DO know, is that it will not involve no law enforcement anywhere in the city.

According to the president of the city council, the goal is a police free society.

I’ve been reading a number of different things on this as well, and have actually been to Camden on a number of occasions. From what I am gathering on this it was more about economics:

“In the face of this violence, Camden did something quite radical: It disbanded its 141-year-old police force. In its place, the surrounding county formed a new police department that it wants to expand to other jurisdictions outside the city. The Camden County Police Department rehired most of the laid-off cops, along with nearly 100 other officers, but at much lower salaries and with fewer benefits than they had received from the city.”

And the goal of arms treaty is ending of war. But doesn’t mean either side gets rid of the army.
I again can guarantee nothing will pass that says there are no law enforcement in the city.

There was a lot. I encourage you to read lot.
-Every cop had to reapply and be rehired
-New reporting structure was put into place

  • focus on more beat cops vs tasks force
    -funding more towards community services and less weapons.

The rebuilt it from the ground up to get rid of rules and policies in the old one that couldn’t be changed. Example I read. Camden city police were not required to drive victims to the hospitals even if ambulance was not available.
They tried to change that policy but the union refused and the rules in place (built up over 140 years) made it next to impossible to pass any new policy without unions approval.
In the new police force, if a ambulance is more then x mins away, police are required to take the victim to the hospital.
Small change but a big impact.
This kind of stuff is what “Defund the police” means. Rebuild the police from ground up.