It does seem weird to me…

…that Trump’s ear seems undamaged or remarkably intact. This wasn’t staged nor was ot a false flag, but I don’t understand how the bullet could have caused his ear to bleed without utterly shredding it. Could the shockwave of the bullet wizzing by have done it?

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Does seem weird you know this because he still had a bandage on yesterday at the rally, so I’m not sure how you saw anything.

Or did you also fall for the pics going around that are actually from 2 years ago?


I’m talking about the triumphalist pictures taken immediately after the shots rang out.

turn off msnbc



Well, now I know who not to take seriously around here.


Guess they got their hands slapped with the fake photos so now they are trying to go back to the beginning and rewrite the situation. :sunglasses:


I don’t watch TV.

■■■■■■■ seriously? I’m not questioning that a bullet wizzed by his head or that it caused him to bleed. I just want to understand why my intuitions about how this would play out aren’t lining up with reality. Is that so ridiculous? What a dick response.

Me: “I know Trump got shot at, but can someone explain to me how a bullet could cause a mild amount of damage without destroying his ear completely?”

You guys: “Ha ha, stop watching TV dumb-dumb.”


OK, whatever.

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), who served as Trump’s physician in the White House, wrote in a letter that the would-be assassin’s bullet came “less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head, and struck the top of his right ear,” noting that it “produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear.”


Thanks. I guess there are details that I can’t see in the photos.

Lol Crooked Donald didn’t have a 2 cm wide gunshot wound to the ear.

Ronny was the biggest pill pusher doc the White House has ever seen.

We don’t need that guy laying cover, Donald can show the medical report from the hospital.

I’ll listen to Christopher Wray. Donald got knicked by a piece of shrapnel and he’s a liar.

oh the guy who not only got demoted from admiral but lost his medical license?

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I don’t understand the whole we need to look at his ear thing. You can dislike the man and vote for the voodoo lady instead but we all saw him grab his ear and the bullet fly by his head.

In all reality he was beyond lucky he turned his head as the bullet started to fly or we would be having a totally different conversation right now.


These are the same people who went a year saying we don’t need to have Biden take a cognitive test. Not to be taken seriously.


Desperate dimocrats say the stupidest thing.

You watch, this line of kookery is about to intensify.


Well, the ones who question if he was shot only do so because they ran out of Elmer’s glue to eat and windows to lick on their way to the internet this morning. That and they wish he hadn’t turned his head :wink:




We would miss out if it didn’t.

That is not what he said. But I have no doubt that is what you heard.