IT BEGINS: Atlanta School ABANDONS ‘Pledge of Allegiance,’ Says ‘NOT INCLUSIVE’ | Sean Hannity

A charter school in Atlanta, Georgia announced this week that it will no longer recite the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ at the start of each day; caving to pressure from an increasing number of students and teachers who refuse to stand for the patriotic ceremony.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Children recite the Pledge of Allegiance everyday without thinking twice. But can anyone besides teachers imagine doing the same? Would bankers, lawyers, doctors, cops, community organizers, etc… do the same without complaint? And just imagine being underprivileged. Just a thought.

A sternly worded ad in the Cornwood Times to soon follow from the offendarazzi on the Left.

If that’s their prerogative then so be it.

Being a patriot isn’t a requirement. Their life, their business.

Good. Mindlessly reciting the pledge of allegiance every morning has nothing to do with patriotism.

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About time that needless socialist pledge was abandoned by schools.

It never should have been forced on any students to recite that oath every day either by direct threat of school personnel or via the pressure of peer influence.

Especially it being forced against the will of those who did not wish to recite it.


Now the teachers will have a little extra time to present real examples of love for country and true patriotism.

Not reciting that socialist pledge does not relegate anyone to the realm of being a non-patriot.


In 20+ years in the Army, I probably recited the pledge of allegiance fewer than 10 times.

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The pledge of allegiance is an oath, a loyalty oath. From what I have learned from many Hannity military veterans the oath they take upon enlistment is “forever”. I don’t know why anyone would insist that students should take that pledge, that oath, every morning, or every afternoon, every day that they are in school?

Exactly. 10

The pledge of allegiance is very much different from the oath of enlistment, but I agree It is an oath.

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Definitely different, but both are oaths, yes, agreed.

The next school to give this up should be Flint MI high school.

I love the OP OMG nature of what the thread is about.


Where was the IT BEGINS excited concern in society when the socialist pledge of allegiance was originally and NEEDLESSLY brought into Public Schools, without the pledge altering NOD TO GOD, and back when it was accompanied by the STIFF ARM SALUTE to our Flag that mirrored the famed NAZI salute to Der Fuhrer?


The same people who give a ■■■■ about the pledge, and kneeling at football games tend to be the same ones that applaud ending social programs, do noting about sky rocketing HC costs, favor teh wealthy with tax cuts, roll back regulations that effect water supplies and air quality…

Ironic IMO.

You want the masses to pledge allegiance then you focus policy on hurting the masses.

You mean programs there is no delegated power given the federal to have?


Standing up for the actual Constitution as opposed to the lawlessness of so-called “progressives” would be nice.

But the Left loves them some Arbitrary Government.

Programs and policies that help a majority of americans is the very antithesis of ‘arbitrary’.

People’s circumstances are not delegations of power to allow the federal government to do anything about them. People’s circumstances are not amendments.

Yes, these programs are examples of Arbitrary Government.