Just like Hamas, until H’zb’la is neutralized, there will never be peace in the mid-east. (And that’s not the extent of the requisite neutralization.)
I can understand Israel agreeing to a ceasefire – for now. They’ve decimated H’la’s leadership for the time being. A ceasefire stops the remaining missiles from flying into Israel (assuming H abides by the agreement, which is also questionable.) It also might encourage any new H leadership promotees to be a little less cautious, making the job of the Israeli special forces a bit easier.
But I hope not a single person anywhere in the world thinks that H’la will not use this lull to restock missiles in civilian buildings. Of course, Mossad will be watching and lining up where to target once this ceasefire breaks.
remind us again who is the leader of the United States
“Finally, President Biden got his Rose Garden peace deal. It was not exactly the one he has been straining to land for most of the past year, but it was a breakthrough nonetheless — and, coming after a bitter election, a sweet moment of validation.“
i know you dont want to give the POTUS credit due to partisanship.
History will record that President Biden brokered a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. But I doubt either of us seriously believes that Biden himself was personally responsible.
nothing in this article states what biden actually did. or did i miss it
i dont want to praise him if he didnt do anything which it seems he didnt, and that’s not surprising given how enfeebled and sunset he obviously is. i know you want to though because of your seething hate of trump