Isn't the moral of the story "don't try and craft major pieces of legislation in secret so no one else can see it."

Isn’t this the real problem. Don’t put just a couple of people in a closed room, crafting something in secret so no one else can see what you are doing, and don’t even consider consulting your fellow members of Congress what is being considered!


Thing is … Those people in the closed room likely already know who is going to say what about the proposal they are crafting. And that includes "who"s and "what"s on both sides of the aisle.

You’d think they would be wily enough to pre-address those concerns, and remove language they know will be major hurdles once it is officially released.

Or table a vote of hundreds perhaps thousands of pages of mumbo jumbo nobody gets a chance to review. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Schmuck Schumer then threatens to send our grandchildren to Ukraine to “fight the Russians” because he didn’t get his way? ■■■■ him.
These ■■■■■■■■ have been doing this bull ■■■■ for years. “We have to pass it to see what’s in it”? Indeed. About time someone called their scheming asses out on this ■■■■■


That spending / amnesty bill had one objective, hamstring Trump when he’s re-elected.
Tells me the Dims short of J’Biden’s resignation or removal know their candidate is going to be a colossal loser.


They wouldn’t take time out of their day to travel there otherwise.

That bill was immediately ripped to pieces as soon as it hit the light of day.
Were the elitists who drafted it too stupid to recognize its problems, or did they just think everyone else was?

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I believe the attempt was to create the narrative that it’s actually the GOP that wants to leave the border open.


Which would imply Schumer knew exactly what he was doing and Lankford was a tool.


Definitely a valid implication from what I theorized.


The quote was something like: “We’ll have to vote for it to see what’s in it.”





It’s quite perplexing. If I were the Republican negotiating I would see myself as having the upper hand. It’s like Lankford’s objective was to put forth a bill that would appease the majority of Democrats while alienating his Republican caucus.

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One of the problems is, most bills are crafted and written by lobbyists and organizations with an ulterior motive. None of these guys sat there and wrote that monstrosity by themselves.


Pelosi: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Pretty sure the DC cabal regrets her saying that. There has been much more public interest in what is coming out of congress since.

All the loopholes and ridiculously high border numbers were 100% intended by those on the Left.