Isn't it false to say that the new tax laws will hurt most people is states like NJ?

I’m in the top quintile of household incomes. This year, my effective tax rate will be about 5-6% compared to the normal 11-13%. I still adamantly disagree with he bulk of the tax cuts.

At this point you are not even reading my posts. If you want tax breaks buy a house, add solar, drive a hybrid.
For the last time, I am not getting any other people’s money, just my own I pay into the system.
If you are concerned about the deficit, border security, strict welfare programs, and make sure all who are here is paying would go a long way.

I understand your point entirely. Having children is incentivized by the government in the same way that buying a house, adding solar, and driving a hybrid is. The government has a long history of using the tax system to manipulate behavior.

The OP seems to believe their family will be better off under the current system tax system, which is currently bleeding a trillion dollars a year. My argument is that if we aren’t going to pay for the tax cuts now, then a lot of people will be hurt in the future. Either taxes will have to be raised, or social services will be cut. Maybe the OP won’t ever feel the negative effects of the new tax laws, but their children most definitely will.

What nobody seems to talk about is that these current tax cuts will start to reverse in the 2025-2027 time frame.
And when it reverses, taxes will go up dramatically. The tax savings that everyone enjoyed will be wiped out in a very short time.

Did you make any changes to your withholding at the beginning of the year. Are you sure they were the same as beginning of the previous year?

The ultimate selfishness is choosing to not have children.

Oh, yeah. That makes sense.

Well crafted argument.

If you truly believe that, you don’t have any understanding of what socialism is.

Well… someone said it on the internet… so it must be true.

Subsidizing people in high property values and high property tax rate States was hurting the country.

Personally, I think that all deductions except a “basic need” deduction (say for example, $40k for single or head of household and $10-15k per dependent) be eliminated and a flat tax applied (say 12-15%) on every dollar above the amount.


Just how was the SALT deduction “hurting the country”?

Those States are generally net givers to the Federal coffers.

It doesn’t matter if those states give more in tax dollars than they receive. They should give more. Rural America should be subsidized by urban America.

I don’t know what country you live in, but in the United States, the government’s ability to spend is not restricted by revenue.

The thing is that I do think that rural America should be subsidized by the cities.

I just find it funny that the small states think that the large states are getting one over on them when the opposite is usually true.

Along with the idea that there are those out there who don’t want to pay for civiliazation, there are also those out there who would love to enjoy the largess of government spending but will cut their nose off to spite their face if they think that someone… somewhere is getting something that they don’t “deserve”

How does your income, property ownership, family size and other determining factors compare with others in NJ?

Put simply, are you part of the “most people” you are asking about?

At what income level are you talking about being hurt? And by how much? Even in NJ you have to be making well over six figures to afford a house with property taxes above $20,000. Again what some were saying is that middle class citizens in states like NJ were going to be hurt by this tax law. That does not even remotely appear to be true. Would you agree?

What is the future of humanity without children?

No, it’s a mathematical certainty.

The rest of the world is making enough of them. I’ve yet to see an argument on why homegrown is any better.

So do you believe that we should have a childless country? How do you feel about people having children to get government benefits? How do you feel about letting in impoverished people and their children from other countries and having them get government benefits? Furthermore the purpose of this thread was to examine whether or not it was true