Isn’t it great a judge finally tells COVID vaccine jabbers to put up or shut up?

I expressed no “theory”. The NYC vaccine mandate was intentionally imposed knowing full well of the misery it would inflict upon people and businesses. That is a fact and not theory.


“From each according to their ability to pay, to each who needs help living a decent life.” ___ fallenturtle

Creepy whisper? You got the BDS bad. Migrants coming into the country is its own issue, but I don’t see how that sabotaged the vaccine distribution. Migrants are holding up vaccines or causing people not to get vaccinated.

He didn’t lie for two reasons. First off, being wrong is not the same as lying. Lying involves knowingly saying something that is untrue. If you think its true, even if its wrong, is not lying. Also he’s still in his first year of his presidency, I don’t recall him providing a timeline for getting covid-19 under control.

Trump gave him the tool.

And then the right-wing media sabotaged it by undermining public confidence in the safety of the vaccine. How ironic.

Yes, you did express a theory. Your theory was that the vaccine mandates were imposed with the intention of ruining lives and you have failed to provide evidence to support this theory. Heck, you don’t even have evidence that Key to NYC was designed “intentionally imposed knowing full well of the misery it would inflict”. Showing people are upset about it isn’t the same as proving its intention was to create misery. You’re making assumptions. You are proposing a theory that the NYC government intentionally wants to make some of its citizens miserable.

Dude, this is starting to get a little creepy.

Not really, and especially not when the Biden Administration is allowing tens of thousands of illegal entrants, many of whom are COVID infected, to travel to our nation’s cities and spread the virus.

Try keeping up with what is really happening, before making unsubstantiated assertions.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

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And that’s undermining the distribution of the vaccine, how?

I expressed no “theory”. The NYC vaccine mandate was intentionally imposed knowing full well of the misery it would inflict upon people and businesses. That is a fact and not theory.


From each according to their ability to pay, to each who needs help living a decent life." ___ fallenturtle

A coughing and sneezing unvaccinated person is less likely to spread the virus as they will be home.
A vaccinated person with the virus who has no or very few symptoms is likely to be out in public spreading the virus to all they come in contact with.

Yes, you did express a theory. Your theory was that the vaccine mandates were imposed with the intention of ruining lives and you have failed to provide evidence to support this theory. Heck, you don’t even have evidence that Key to NYC was designed “intentionally imposed knowing full well of the misery it would inflict”. Showing people are upset about it isn’t the same as proving its intention was to create misery. You’re making assumptions. You are proposing a theory that the NYC government intentionally wants to make some of its citizens miserable.

It doesn’t even have anything to do with the discussion. Do I need to get a restraining order?

Did you forget what you wrote? You did write: Migrants coming into the country is its own issue,

The fact is, as I pointed out above, the Biden Administration is allowing tens of thousands of illegal entrants, many of whom are COVID infected, to travel to our nation’s cities and spread the virus.

Are you really suggesting a massive influx of COVID infected illegal entrants does not have an effect on the need for vaccines?

The Chinese Communist Party is counting on America’s Fifth Column media [MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC.], and their Yellow Journalists, to delude the American people.


Amazing how mute the left is about the flood of unvaccinated illegals isn’t it?

Makes me think it’s all just for political show rather than sincerety.


Sad things is if he provided evidence you would not believe it any way. That is why I don’t provide links. They are a waste of time because the person demanding the evidence is not going to admit they were wrong.
Google is your friend spend some time proving him wrong.

If they have few to no symptoms, wear a mask, wash your hands, and are mindful about social distancing then hopefully the number of people its spread to will be small. You’re still better off being vaccinated.

Biden has done worse things than trump ever taught of doing. Just look at the border and remember all those citizens he abandoned in Afghanistan. How about the innocent children he bombed because he needed to cover up his getting 13 military members killed.

Did you forget what I was responding to? Yes, its it’s own issue. The migrant surge has nothing to do with vaccine distribution.

Is there a vaccine shortage? No, there’s not. When there was, did the migrants have anything to do with it? No, they did not.

I’ve googled it. He’s apparently googled it. No evidence proving him right has been provided. Do you think the mandates were designed to intentionally ruin people’s lives?

More TDS.
Lets talk about the senile old man you put in office.
Let’s see he has several ties to China.
Loves the terrorist group the taliban so much he gave them a country, abandoned citizens for them, killed several innocent children so he did not have to call them out for killing 13 military members, and is flooding our country with illegals from around the world. No telling how many terrorist he is releasing into the country.
Now he is directing the COJ to go after parents who will not be silent about his push to indoctrinate their children,

You’re doing an excellent job on trying to run interference for John and his exaggerated claims. Bravo.


A massive influx of COVID infected illegal entrants does in fact have an effect on the need for vaccines.

Why must you make stuff up?

In any event, and getting back to the subject of the thread, isn’t it great a judge finally told COVID vaccine jabbers to put up or shut up? LINK


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

Quick, put your mask on they are taking the picture. Gotta love that AOC.

Her bestie? But of course.

“Oh, no, oh, not you!” Tlaib said in the video. "No, no, no - I’m just wearing it because I’ve got a Republican tracker here.