Is this Premeditated Murder?

I wish I’d used that line in the OP.

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She should be charged with some level of murder imo.

It being NY probably not much will happen though. :roll_eyes:

Yeah they’re notoriously lax on cop-killers.

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What’s a pretty light sentence?

This isn’t like its Florida and she took out a street protester


7-14 years for manslaughter.

She needs to be gone for at least 30 with no parole on the scant evidence I see thus far.

Probably shouldn’t be mass releasing this kind of video evidence before trial. Big problem.


Just leaving the scene is a class e felony worth up to seven years in jail.


Even for victims of systemic racism? How can that be?

The video makes it clear that she intended to kill a cop.


Which her movement has been calling for.


It is ruining the ability to field an impartial jury. In this case it will help the murderer as Mad Max nearly helped Chauvin and may yet help his appeal.

We don’t need to be titillated with every sensational video at every hour of the day.

It is messed up and creating these monsters.

I love the rightwing outrage machine - as a fiction generator, it’s just the tops.


You mean kinda like telling people to march to the Capitol to “stop the steal” then they literally do that?

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Exactly. That goes both ways, something partisans of every stripe won’t acknowledge.

Lol, I can delete my post and you can add it to your OP

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A lot of ignorance in that post.

Do you love the fact that the rightwing couldn’t care less what you think of them?

I’d hope that anybody would be outraged over a case like this, but I’ve been proven wrong.

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Just like the one i replied to

I’m skeptical. You have to be willing to pretty much end your life to do something like that. Most people like to live free. But we might see a slight uptick.