Is there ANYTHING that Biden can't screw up?

I hope so …

Me too.


Why work when dirty uncle Joe will send you money?

Are we still giving out federal unemployment benefits?

Various colors of money flow from Joe to likely dem voters.


Welfare of all kinds. Covid money, stimulus money.

Why play dumb?

I got none of that but I still know about it.

That stuff is done. Covid money was done back in sept.

I see where Manchin is now saying inflation is more important than Biden’s “Build Back Better” program.
He says that Democrats should elect more liberals if they want more spending.
Could this be bad news for Brandon and good news for the US?


Oh well…

At least he didn’t call the tornadoes hurricanes.

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He did blame climate crisis like a good little useful idiot.

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Evaluation of opinions of Biden’s accomplishments in immigration, according to average of real clear politics:

Approval: 31.3%
Disapprove: 58.7%

No wonder they keep trying to distract with that Jan 6 break in.

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Well, actually, he DID call the tornadoes hurricanes.

"Jill and I pray — and I’m — sincerely mean this — pray for those who have lost loved ones and for those who are uncertain of the fate of their loved ones. And the debris that you see scattered all over the hurricane’s [tornado’s] path. "

It’s right from the Whitehouse website. They aren’t even trying to hide it.


Who saved him?

Not his fault, everyone knows how often Kentucky gets hit with hurricanes. rofl

Hmm, does this mean I could sell Biden some beachfront property in Kentucky? Nah, that wouldn’t be ethical, taking advantage of the less fortunate.

He did it again? This has to be intentional.

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That’s just Joe being Joe. :wink:

He is a big supporter of black universities. Integrated ones create racial jungles, I am told.