Is the US headed back to pre-Trump levels of Islamic terrorism?


I think it is worse than before. Or going to be. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

You misunderstood. Osama presumed the likelihood that Biden would succeed Obama as President. Had Biden not declined to run in 2016, he might have been right. Osama also presumed he would still be alive to “enjoy” a Biden Presidency.

Mere speculation to try to fit the narrative.

OBL didn’t really care about the President, the whole reason for their attack was to create a never ending war that would bankrupt the U.S government.

which is exactly what happened, the price tag is getting close to 10 trillion.
The war on terror will never end.

Because according to them (OBL) the whole U.S government is incompetent and the concept of military industrialization is so engraved in American politics it can’t be stopped.

which is why OBL master plan was not to combat the U.S military / government with force, but to target the pocketbook of Congress to make them spend endless amount of money on a war that will never end.

and surprise it has worked wonderfully closing in on 10 Trillion, and ever expanding endless wars across Africa, Middle East, Asia,

AQ simply pray on existing religious tension in Middle east, Africa, Asia that has existed for thousands years.

Whose narrative? Your’s?

That post makes no sense.

All the more reason to not target Biden if one presumes he may succeed as President. Biden is the poster child for incompetence.