Both involve dangerous, compulsive behaviors that may include an innate predisposition.
If you doubt that promotion in the media and society has any affect, consider the difference between generations. Less than 2% of boomers identify as LGBT, but 20% of gen Z does. What has changed?
“Pride” is used ironically with these folks anyway.
Not once have they ever had “pride” in themselves or the sick and twisted activities they do for attention. It’s not even possible. They’re too depraved.
They hate themselves, in fact, and to even suggest otherwise is as laughable as they are ■■■■■■ in the head.
The most (D)umbass, retarded argument ever fermented in those soy pans. Only thing that tops that stupidity is the fact that some leftovers are still using it.
New law: Anywhere the homosexual flag is flown on public property, it has to be a foot lower than this one, which also must be flown at the same time. If they are on the same pole, the homosexual flag goes underneath.
Yes, in 1900 all kids were frequently forced to learn to write with their right hand.
Now imagine that we developed lefty-pride day along with tirades about the tyranny of righties and the need for affirmative action programs for lefties. Suddenly you may find that most people identify as lefty or at least ambidextrous.
Yes, writing with the left hand may be a bit messy in languages where writing goes left to right. It is not going to kill you. On the other hand, STDs and prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke can be deadly.
Cigarette smoking used to be illegal. Pride promotions are like the Virginia Slims ads from the 1970s, which came out decades after anti-cigarette laws were repealed.
In both cases the message is the same: Let’s be proud about engaging in unhealthy, destructive, and formerly illegal behavior!