Is the Biden plan to balloon our population a good idea?

Isn’t gropey joe busy handing out smallpox blankets in the form of a covid super-spreader event for all the little brown people at the border??

He’s a sociopath.

I recall that. It was based on an agreement that Obama left the country with.

Hmmmm. I see you embrace the Democrat Leadership’s idea of protecting the United States from invasions by handing over America’s wealth to those invading our borders in the hope they will end their invasion.


What part of your anatomy do you think with? Your heart or brain?


They are neither “liberal”, “progressive” nor are they Republican or Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Socialist Revolutionaries and Globalists who continue to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which America’s labor, business and investors have worked to create.

The Democratic Party of the USA is right of centre;.I am left of centre which is why I support the Labor Party.

The labor party? Is that the same party whose members, as individuals, are incapable and too spineless and weak-need to negotiate the value of their own labor?


Let’s not forget Joe Biden does not support the right to work and individuals being free to negotiate their own employment contracts. He wants every American to pay a pinned stripped suit wearing union representative a monthly kickback fee in order to work in America .

Who says they can’t hand over the wealth AND use an invasion for population replacement?

Leave the Irish alone.

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Oh for ■■■■■■ sake… this is just Hillary is about to die 2.0. Are we going to do this for all Democrats older than 65 going forward. And with the nicknames… you guys are so ■■■■■■■ childish. Grow up.

I’d say you might have a point if he was slowly hobbling up the stairs, but he actually tried to take them pretty quickly. I’ve stumbled and fallen on stairs before and I’m only in my 40s. Can I use this as an excuse to skip in line for a covid-19 vaccine?

“Yes sir, I’m eligible because of serious underlying medical issues.”
“Whats you’re evidence”
“I stumbled and fell when trying to jog up some stairs”


My bad, you’re right. All immigrant parents are limbless torsos who must be fed through a tube on the public dime.

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It’s the parents’ fault the school’s in inner cities have worse facilities than those in rich areas?

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Try reading the whole sentence next time:

As a graphic designer, it’s an insult to my typographic sensibilities… it was also mostly in jest.

Look, its fine, I’ll let it go… I’ve certainly been a jerk to you in the past about your canned responses and constant reposting of the same videos over and over and over and over again… so turn about is fair play… but in general call-outs are considered bad form around here.

There are too many people. America is going to blow up.

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The problem is that our economy, more so now, isn’t producing limitless good paying jobs for people with no education, no marketable skills and don’t speak English.


You’re making a lot of assumptions about immigrants and their education and skills there.

who you calling childish? Who you telling to grow up? I would like a clarification on these notions.

Those who call Harris “Kamaalaa” and those who called Biden “Stumbling Joe”.

you must really hate the pledge of allegiance,written by an avowed socialist


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Talking about the current surge from Central America.

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