Is the Biden campaign based on a lie?

You already twisted the situation from “confederates joining a white power rally” to “murderers and rioters joining non-violent protesters.”

Big difference between:

-Neo-confederates joining a known white power rally


-bad people joining a rally/march by non-violent protesters in order to cause chaos.

Bad attempt.

Who were the good people going to join a white nationalist rally? It’s not like the white nationalist nature of the rally was some big secret. It was directly and openly advertised as a white power rally.


Big assumptions. If you can find a SINGLE instance of me EVER supporting rioting/looting/violent protests, I’d love to be reminded.

I side with people who peacefully protest, like Kaepernick. I side with people who protest and rally and march when a woman is murdered by law enforcement in cold blood in her bed.

I don’t side with people whose…pride…is so little that they show up to cry about statues of war losers being removed, and march along side white nationalists to do it.

I’m pretty consistent in my approach to protests/marches/rallies, and my stance against violence in doing so. Have been for many years. Lost many progressive friends in the process, who think I’m an animal for suggesting I would use my firearms to defend my life and property in the event of violent rioting and protesting.

great! so everyone who does not support neo-marxism and dead cops should stay away from blm protests

Yeah. It was useless theater.

But it was theater that fell into the hands of those who would criticize Obama for speaking the truth which was that the police acted stupidly.

They shouldn’t have played that game.

No, Dubya didn’t talk good. This was Trump continuing his refusal to ever condemn white nationalists that had been going on since the campaign and only an absolute meteor shower of bad press convinced to first have a staff member write a press release nobody believed and then, all his other options exhausted, finally come out and denounce them.

Remember when he wouldn’t refuse David Duke’s endorsement and claimed not to know who he was? Even though he literally left the Reform Party in like ‘02-‘03 because of him?

So the only really question is whether he thought courting white nationalists was bad then and then decided that courting them was actually a plus for a Republican presidential candidate, or if the Reform thing was convenient bull ■■■■ to get him out of a failing party and he doesn’t mind those dudes.

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Flag it. I don’t recall accusing someone of employing “whataboutism” as a violation of the ToS.

I do recall, however, attributing hypocrisy to others to violating that, as I’ve suffered the consequences of it.

Attributing “hypocrisy” to a poster is not the same as pointing out a poster’s use of “whataboutism.”

I pointed out a tactic you were using-whatabotuism.

You attributed a characteristic to me-hypocrisy.

No amount of philosophizing is going to be able to rationalize this one away.

read the transcript

Somebody post the ad for the rally again please.

Silence Is Violence

Lost moral authority.

Have a nice day.

You are off topic, please get back on topic.

Bad idea. There are fliers all over the internet for joining the riots. They’re bad.

It’s easier just to call it a lie. This and the “Trump never called the media the enemy of the people” stuff are the saddest spin.

Yeah were they organized by overt neo Nazis including the current king of white supremacy in America, Richard Spenser? Do they advertise that the goal is to promote the white nationalist agenda?

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They advertise killing white people because they’re white.

If your argument is Spenser is bad, you’ve made it.

Yeah? Please show me these ads from the organizers of the rallies.

I’m not posting that garbage and anybody who does is taking a risk.

You don’t know who is organizing the “rallies”.

That’s a convenient punt. I’ve seen a ton of these virtual flyers and never seen anything even close to what you’re saying.

Ok, if you say so.

Of course not Sneaky. Deborah Douglas merely summarized quite well (years later) her opinion on how Obama’s initially spoke out against the cop here with Gates, only to walk back his comments quickly thereafter.

You were fast to criticize some others for being in denial that a cop made a mistake. After I replied with her explanation, you deflect to Ms. Douglas not being there herself for the beer summit.

Sounds like you may be the one in real denial after all.

How about you (and others) also acknowledging the optics with President Obama here with Mr. Gates were at a minimum very poor.

I’m just asking you to back up your claim. It’s not unreasonable.

All politicians lie.

Give em a taste of their own medicine.

I don’t care what he says, I care what he does.

Right, cons?

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