Is single party rule really a good idea?

Perhaps more parties should address the concerns of the electorate better?

Per capita gdp has went way up in the United States since I was born.


So we put them in a special class?

There isn’t? Then why do citizens born overseas have it? Why do citizens have it at all.

Non US citizens without a right to be in the US?
We put them on a bus.
That is what the law allows for now. If the law were being followed.

I’ve been saying this for years. There are more than enough Asians and Hispanic conservatives to shift the balance if only they didn’t feel like they are constantly being attacked.

Resident visas, tourists?

You want to deport all non-US citizens?

Citizen—second class.

Like the army. We should have ranks for citizens.

Johnny come latelys are privates.

Founding citizens such as myself…4 star generals.


And the black nation. Dems have abandoned them.

Check the constitution on that.

Two “classes”: American citizens
Citizens of other countries.

I guess in France, I would be discriminated against because of which “class” I would fit in.

I won’t argue that (for the most part)

Moderate in what way? What Cruz policies do you oppose?

I no longer consider your posts seriously.

What country are DACA citizens of?

Your prerogative. I am being serious. You have to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration, not that you can stop the latter. Might be able to slow it down.

Perhaps. But do you see a scenario where the two party system actually survives? Are there still two parties when one of them is spotted 257 electoral votes right out of the chute? Do you see the trend in Texas reversing? If so, what stops the trend? When we have only one party, the concerns of the electorate are no longer be valid.

He already told you. Appealing to the electorate

Yes, by addressing the concerns of the electorate better.

Sitting in the corner whining “they won’t vote for us” in the face of a changing “they” is as useless as tits on a bull.

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I strongly opposed Cruz’s objection to the Arizona Electoral College vote count. Arizona here had a fair and honest 2020 election.

That’s not a policy.

It is though a more moderate position than Cruz’s extreme stance of silencing another state’s vote