Is refusal to send the impeachment to the senate "obstruction of congress"?

In my opinion there has been no stalling thus far.

Because Iā€™m calling the Democrats out on twisting the Constitution to fit their personal narrative, and lying about caring about the Constitution? Yeah, thatā€™s fake tears. :roll_eyes:

How long did the House of Repsā€™ impeachment process take? How many days have passed since the impeachment articles were passed?

You evidence is a moral argumentā€¦thatā€™s all you haveā€¦

This is like the left crying about trump relaxing epa standardsā€¦it may be immoral but not illegalā€¦


Hi yā€™all - Havenā€™t checked in for a while but I was just really curious how all the great thinkers on the left are reacting to yesterdayā€™s historic impeachment of President Donald J Trump.

Historic only because itā€™s probably the dumbest most mismanaged debacle possibleā€¦Seriously Speaker Pelosiā€¦You lied about being ā€œPrayerful and Solemnā€, you entered into the most divisive thing you could have done, Impeaching a Duly Elected President and negating the votes of more than 63 million Americans on a purely partisan basis with no laws violated and no impeachable acts by the President, you set a precedent whereby any future president can be impeached simply for winning an election he or she shouldnā€™t have won or because that president disagrees with a House of Representatives of the other party, and now after spending all that time and all that money youā€™re not even going to complete the process and turn the paperwork over to the Senate???

I thought it was urgent that this get done yesterdayā€¦

What a stinking clown show. Liberal Democrats should be hanging their head in shame and the adults in the room should be pointing and laughing.

Mark Levin has offered the following analysis of what McConnell should do, and I agree with him.

ā€œHereā€™s what Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans must do in response: The Senate has the sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the Senateā€™s power to act on its constitutional authority,ā€ the Fox News host continuedā€¦ā€œMcConnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate for adjudication,ā€ Levin added." Mark Levin Explains Why Pelosi Withholding Impeachment Articles Is Unconstitutional And Disastrous For Dems | The Daily Wire

This whole impeachment circus has been a fraud on Americaā€¦I didnā€™t think my level of respect for the leftist frauds in DC could sink any lowerā€¦Guess I was wrong.


Well, Pelosi is leader of the House, so thatā€™s reason enough. Schiff the liar lead this whole crap shoot. Considering previous presidents who have been impeached (Clinton and Nixon), this is one heck of a rushed political sham. Clinton had a year of investigation, Nixon had 14 months.

The two arenā€™t comparable. One is used as a last resort, the other is not.

Trump won. Get over it. You just want him impeached because you donā€™t like him.


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Itā€™s really not at all. Iā€™ve already gone over the evidence and you skipped it for calling it a sham and some immoral argument.

Clinton should have been impeached for lying. He liedā€¦I dont let my kids lie why would I let someone like that?

Same goes for trumpā€¦

Time for america to grow some principles.

I know. They are a bunch of narcissists, really. The entitlement and the arrogance are unprecedented.

Yeah, because Iā€™m sure you supported Clintonā€™s impeachment. Iā€™ll bet you supported Killary in 2016.

I want him impeached because he abuses his power and sought to have a foreign government affect our elections.

I consider myself fair minded and logical. Inwas more than content letting things play out in 2020ā€¦trump decided to abuse his power. Thatā€™s not on me. So you can stop with blaming anyone but trump angle now.

Letā€™s try something fresh for once?

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Sheā€™s threatened to, so now every second is counted. Plus the emphasis on the house floor that he was a national security risk doesnā€™t go unnoticed. It was their excuse for the speed at which they proceeded, and now she announces a potential stall? She shouldnā€™t have announced it, bad political move imo.

About 90 days. She announced the stall, thatā€™s on her.

I didnt vote for either and wrote my name on. I live in ohioā€¦my vote actually Matters compared to a state like cali or Nebraskaā€¦

Again you are avoiding the context of evidence in favor of attacking me for a lame deflection. Which tells me you cant logically access the issue at hand because you feel the need to defend your team. Or to die on that hill because you seem to feel party is more important. Good for youā€¦I prefer to see the forrest

It took the Obama administration four years to respond to Fast and Furious Document requests. The courts got involved. You know, the way itā€™s supposed to work!

" Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012ā€¦In January, a federal district court judge rejected Obamaā€™s executive privilege claim over records detailing the Justice Department and White Houseā€™s response to Operation Fast and Furious, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigation that may have allowed as many as 2,000 firearms to pass into the hands of Mexican drug cartels."

I guess things worked Differently for Obamaā€¦


Did Mr Levin note what exact is timely. Asking for a friend.

Itā€™s more about timing with the house and senate. Vacation scheduling and what not. I see no reason to not release them tomorrow.

Same. The delay is a political ploy. But the man is pontificating about timeliness and delays and yetā€¦

It has not been 24 hours since the articles of impeachment were passed. Under no circumstances can that be construed as a delay especially given the time of year.

Would you say that at this point in time there has been a delay?