Is refusal to send the impeachment to the senate "obstruction of congress"?

Ooook…what does this have to do with anything?

Any comment of mitch saying politics with impeachment…?

Is that chicago style blah blah zzzzzzzzzz…

Come on make me take you seriously here

That’s the constitution?

In answer to the OP, to censor myself and tame my feelings about the situation, I think that Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff, at the very minimum, should be arrested and indicted, hopefully found guilty.

And not just them. Obama, Hillary (on this charge not Benghazi…because the latter violates the 8th amendment), and many more.

tHaT’s ThE CoNsTiTuTiOn? :rofl:

That would be a no on Turley. That would make it 3-1 split.

Can you not see the connection between the Democrats, Obama (who, by the way, is from Chicago), and corruption? Nancy Pelosi is the one trying to rush impeachment through with little evidence, who was calling for impeachment even before the issue with Ukraine. And her timing could not be more suspicious.

Mitch is simply trying to stop mob rule from taking over the country.

No that’s the federalist papers. They are an editorial added onto the constitution but in the end they are merely an opinion.

"The convention, it appears, thought the Senate the most fit depositary of this important trust. Those who can best discern the intrinsic difficulty of the thing, will be least hasty in condemning that opinion, and will be most inclined to allow due weight to the arguments which may be supposed to have produced it. "

The Avalon Project : Federalist No 65

This alludes to the danger of allowing just one subbranch of government to control impeachment. Impeachment is designed to be a last resort, not something to do when you don’t like someone.

They are the opinion of the Founding Fathers…for someone supporting politicians claiming to be doing the will of the Constitution, you sure have an odd way of picking and choosing which theories and concepts you do and do not like.

What is the vote requirement in the House of Reps with respect to impeachment of the President of the USA?

A simple majority for impeachment, a 2/3 super majority for conviction.

Now that isn’t indicate that there were three that had a contrary view.

Little evidence?
The phone call memo released by trump is evidence.
Vindman was on the phone call is evidence.
Cooper stating ukraine was looking for the aid before sept. Was evidence.
Rudy saying he want the ambassador out is evidence.
Sondland stating there was a pro quo and everyone was in on the loop is evidence.

What the there isnt evidence of is that Ukraine hacked our election.
That biden stopped an investigation into his son.
That Nancy is rushing anything…and if we want to go down this ■■■■■■■■ road we can go to trump stating he wants both a fast and slow trial…so which one would you guys like?

Right now it’s being rushed…then it’s being delayed…then its about an election because its politcal…but impeachment is a political tool uses by government.

Tomorrow it’s about due process even though the gop sat in on the hearings and asked questions…even in the basement behind closed doors.

Then the next day it will be all a sham and witch hunt because they wanted to impeach trump from the start and hate him. Because they forced him somehow to say do us a favor.

Do you know why we are having so much trouble in our nation? Because one group cant seem to grasp we have one set of facts amd the other is some ■■■■■■■■ fake reality where facts dont seem to matter.

Guess which one you are arguing for right now?

You cant even get the actual timeline right of what has gone down with trump.


Most of that is heresay and holds little value. The call transcript was released, and it showed nothing to be criminal. In fact, the U.S. has a treaty with the Ukraine for one country to investigate the other’s corruption, if I remember correctly. And even then, the FISA report was payed for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

You yourself are picking based on your bias. Dont throw stones while you are standing under the glass.

She has to pick house managers. She doesnt have to yet. There is no timeline stating she must have it done by x date…if you can provide something like that then I’ll listen and far nobody has so therefore all I see is political whining because you dont control the football at the moment.

Does the USA Constitution say that?

They are back in session on the 7th, I would expect it no later than the 10th. The week preceding the 26th is a vacation week.

Or they could transfer tomorrow and let the senate get to work on it when they return on the 3rd.

Again, I think any stalling takes away from their stated position of Trump being a national security risk.

Just because there is no timeline does not mean it is immoral to rush through one phase of removal, and stagnate on the next. In fact, it shows that there is corruption by the speaker of the house…because it hints at timing for political and personal reasons. If you’re going to rush it through, rush the whole freaking thing. Don’t just suddenly “get cold feet” and stop in your tracks. You wanted it done, so go all the way.

Read the Federalist Papers, and understand the theories and the reasons behind why the Constitution is the way it is. To argue otherwise is submitting to mere ignorance, and makes one a not very smart individual. There are precedents that must be practiced along with the Constitution, so it can’t be twisted into what one party wants like it was last night, and still is being twisted.


And who was responsible for including that simple majority requirement in the USA Constitution?

It doesn’t matter when you don’t consider the Federalist papers, which was written by some of the authors of the Constitution. To have an elite understanding of mathematics, one must understand not just the equations and the algorithms, but the very theories and concepts behind why those algorithms are the way they are. Politics and American Law are the same way. Therefore, this is why the Republicans are superior to the Democrats in this case, who, by the way, are twisting and tearing the Constitution until it fits their narrative.

Immoral is just your opinion…you dont have control of the football and you dont like it. Too bad. The papers are irrelevant…

You want to complain about immoral yet mitch is leader of the senate… fake tears are fake tears.