Is "protecting western hegemony" consistent with "preserving democracy, freedom, and national sovereignty"?

If Ukraine falls, it will be a catastrophe for the West. It will be the end of western hegemony . . .
–Boris Johnson
BORIS JOHNSON: If Ukraine falls, it'll be a catastrophic turning point in history - and an utter humiliation for the West... Why the hell are we waiting to give this heroic nation the weapons it needs? | Daily Mail Online

Johnson’s comments contrast with those from western leaders back in 2022, which emphasized that the war in Ukraine was a fight to protect freedom, democracy, and national sovereignty. Are the different statements of objectives compatible?

For background, here are the dictionary definitions for hegemony and democracy:

Domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by one political group over a society or by one nation over others.
hegemony - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Rule by the people, especially as a form of government; either directly or through elected representatives.
democracy - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

My observation is that hegemony is not consistent with democracy, freedom, and national sovereignty. That is certainly true for states under the domination of the hegemon. Hegemony means that they must put the wishes of the hegemon above those of their own electorate. Likewise, vassal states must restrict freedom of speech, trade relations, foreign policy, etc. to protect the interests of the hegemon instead of those of their own people. National sovereignty is naturally severely restricted in a hegemony.

Even in the case of the US and its closest allies, hegemony arguably serves the interests of the ruling elite not the population as a whole. If you doubt that, consider the response from the elites in Washington and London when voters voted “the wrong way” on Brexit and the Trump election in 2016.

Is western hegemony something worth protecting at all cost as Boris Johnson claims?

Or is western hegemony really a threat to democracy, freedom, and national sovereignty?

All of this isn’t really a question that should be on the table. This nation is 35 trillion in debt and 40% of our current tax dollar is spent on servicing it. I hate to break this to all of those out there that have their head up their economic butts but…“we” don’t have the money. The US needs to turn this around…right now. Stop spending money “we” don’t have and this applies to both sides of the aisle.


The US can no longer afford to be the world’s bully.

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The five eyes interfered in our elections gave the Russian collusion lies. They are the biggest threat to the republic as we’ve seen.