Is killing a thief acceptable?

Shooting someone running away isn’t self-defense.

Good exercise, but you can’t shoot someone running away, it doesn’t matter what they have in their hands.

So you want to shoot a petty thief because of possible future crimes?

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So might make right?

Those with fastest feet gets the advantage?

Tomorrow might be old lady car.

This was not acceptable. Not even in the slightest.

Had the guy turned around and rushed the cashier then it would have been a justified shoot.

But he didn’t. He was escaping. At that point your hands are tied.

Its called Self-Defense for a reason.

and the old lady can shot him if he is a threat to her safety.

In that case if the lady is armed she has full right to blow the guy’s brains out because a young male attempting to pull an old lady out of a car is definitely cause for self defense.

But if he…or she can throw her out of the car and carjacker gets in it she can’t do a damn thing about it?

are you suggest she be allowed to hunt down her carjacker?

Might make right.

I draw it at advocating for the devil.


“Make right” isn’t the point of self defense laws.

The OP asks if killing a thief is acceptable.

I would answer it depends on what he or she stole. The life of your child, the innocence of a child? Stole your or a loved one’s health or well being?

Things can be replaced. If the example is a $2.00 beer, then no killing is not justified.

However, if preventing the theft of something that cannot be replaced (as mentioned above) or permanently damages an innocent? Then yes, killing them is more than acceptable.

So we established that those with fastest feet wins.

It’s legal in Texas at night:

what isn’t legal in Texas.

If you’re attempting to steal my truck full of tools out of my driveway…that a death sentence in my book.

Nothing like a backhoe can’t cover up. :wink:

Killing a fleeing thief during the day.
