Is Kabul 2021 becoming Saigon 1975?

It’s not the video this time it’s Trump… I knew Biden

MSN could not end the endless war.

…".The president appeared to blame the situation on former President Donald Trump, "

Wind it in.

good points

either way, massive failure

cnn will be all over it

Hindsight is always 20 20.

Looking back we should never have invaded Iraq, thus taking our eye off our real objective in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan we should have gotten Bin Laden in Tora Bora and then promptly left.

But that is all water under the bridge, because we couldn’t possibly have known then what we know now.


NATO and other nations

We have a pretty good idea of what Afghanistan will be like in a few years if the Taliban take over and the likelihood that more jihadist groups will move in train and launch global terrorist attacks. I don’t think one has to even be a neocon to think this scenerio is highly likely and were better to go for a terrorist than under the Taliban rule of Afghanistan. They have a highly dubious past of hiding people that do these sort of things.

If we had successfully taken out Bin Laden after rapidly overrunning the country and then quickly left, we would have sent a very powerful message. The message would have been that we can rapidly deploy overwhelming force to exact retribution on anyone daring to perpetrate anything resembling another 9/11 attack on the U.S. in the future.

Our naïve failed attempt at nation building in both Iraq and in Afghanistan followed by our leaving with our tail between our legs, sends exactly the opposite message.

I agree with you 100% that would have been the correct approach hit them bomb them kill them and leave, like you said hindsight is 20/20, at the same time even though I am not a big war advocate it is odd how such a small force of 2500-5000 soldiers was keeping a country into turning into what is likely to be terrorist Las Vegas. I have been reading some of the articles by some of the more neocon figures on both sides and even though I don’t align with them they make some valid points on what’s likely to come out of this mess.

At the very least all NATO nations should have have past around the responsibility by doing a shift each year keeping the place together if it only took 2500 soldiers to keep the thing together. My big fear is we will be back there within a decade or less because of some global terrorist attack and then there is immediate thing of what is going to happen to the people left there, there totally ■■■■■■ they will kill everyone they associate with going along with the west and the women are going back to full coverage.

I don’t disagree on leaving it’s just seems like there had to be some better option than this it’s absolute crazy what’s going on there they are burning villages, bombing schools, painting people as black face and dragging them on motorcycles, the usual head cutting and other stuff that is hard to think about.

War imho became to neat with smart bombs, clean wars, precision strikes etc… It should be dumb bombs and painful that way it’s avoided at all costs.

That’s what I thought you meant, but I just wanted to confirm.

I object to your characterization of this as cowardly. A great deal of American blood has been spilled in Afghanistan, to say nothing of all the money spent.

Nevertheless, a fear of appearing cowardly is no reason to continue a war. And the 20 years spent there displayed American determination for all to see.

That’s not necessarily true. It will depend on which, and how many Afghani soldiers defect to the Taliban.

What happened six years ago?

All I can say is that I hope this alleviates the ammo shortage.

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All the ones we trained.

That would be a huge blunder if it were true, but I have doubts about it.

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Cool. How about a million southern border crashers? Interested? About 20-30% are infected with Covid but what the heck?
C’mon Canucks


Well, one reason is that the Taliban are using a page from Genghis Khan’s playbook. When GK invaded new territory, he killed every soul, man, woman, and child of the first couple of towns as he took them. After word got around, he would show up at the gates and say “lay down your arms and join us … or you all die.” After killing all ANA troops who resisted, were defeated and captured in the first few cities taken, troops in subsequent towns are laying down their arms before the fight begins and joining the Taliban. I think most ANA troops are draftees, with questionable loyalty to the government …

Jimmy Carter would never have done that. :wink:

Most of the volunteer force were there for the paycheck and couldn’t care less about fighting over anything outside their village.

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Don’t fall off the farm truck. 🥸