Is John Bolton gonna punk the liberal progressives?

If you pray hard enough maybe Jesus will do you a solid.

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I never hated him. I just think he’s wrong about a ton of ■■■■■

It is your story. Tell it any way you want.

Where did you hear possibly hear this?

Not everyone thinks like you. That’s projection my dude.

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And about as obvious as it gets

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what you don’t agree with bombing half the world?

It makes sense when you realize everything in Konservatopia is completely binary. Black/white, good/bad, love/hate. Nothing in the middle, no shades of grey. That’s how they think and that’s how they think the rest of the world thinks.


Of course not, Tommy. There are some of us free thinkers and non establishment “outside the political agenda” people out there.

Who is the “mystical they” you speak of Bro?

Did I say everyone thinks like me? Where on Earth did you get that notion, Tommy? The only projector I am seeing here is _______.

Who is bombing half the world. Sounds like something was Western colonialist progressive would do.

What are you trying to say? I am not following you perception of logic.

Why not? Better that a leaked story in the NY Slimes.

What in the hell are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong post?

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No I did not. Why are you so ■■■■■■■ defensive, Bro? I am trying to carry on a ■■■■■■■ conversation. I was commenting on the conversation between you And cowboy. He may have brought up the “mystical they.” Are you going to vote for Bernie Sanders?

Bro, you responded to the wrong post.

Sorry about that, enki. I responded to you in the John Kelly post. Anyway Kelly can say anything he wants. I still thing Bolton is going to punk some liberal progressives. We shall have to see how it plays out. Of course I may have read the tea leaves wrong.

75% of the country does

75% believe that the corruption started with Obamanation and blunder biden? I am glad you are growing up. :clap: