Is Joe Biden Senile?

If he is, that means Trump is losing the election to a senile grandpa

This is a great post for this thread.

Surely you remember them calling Michelle Obama “Moo?” It’s the fiendishly clever and oh so Trump-like method of insulting a political opponent! In this case it likens the former FLOTUS to a cow - HAW HAW!

(yes I know you know all this already :wink: )

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I thought First ladies were protected figures around here? Oh well.

There are some lovely folks at a certain SMOTI “news” site that respectfully refer to her as Manchelle and/or Michael.

Clearly the “fat cow” former First Lady Michelle Obama.

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Progressive liberal DEMCORAT anti-American “I’m only just now proud of my country” no sleeve wearing FLOTUS don’t count.


I think his mental state is a legitimate issue. For a long time, Biden has engaged in what some people have found inappropriate behavior - overly “handsy”, the hugging, inapt comments - but they were all written off as “that’s just how Joe is.” Lately, however, he seems to have declined, exhibits signs of cognitive issues that appear to be worsening. I don’t think it’s just age - Bernie is around the same age and pretty sharp, and I saw an interview with Thomas Sowell the other day - Sowell’s around 90 - and he was very clear and focused. I saw some interviews from the 70s and 80s with Eubie Blake who was in his 80s and 90s at the time, and he was fine mentally.

Decades ago, Biden had surgeries for brain aneurysms. I have read that there can be personality changes afterward, reports of inappropriate conduct, but I don’t know if it would cause a decline in intellect.

I do believe there is some cause for concern Whether it’s an issue related to his surgeries, or the onset of Alzheimer’s, I find myself feeling sorry for him.


Here we go.

The same internet doctors also claimed that Hillary was near death.

He’s a bit of all. An embarrassment that this is the best the dem party can offer.

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My favorite thing about this was conservatives spending eight years talking about Michelle Obama like the two white chicks at the beginning of the “Baby Got Back” video.

And Photoshopping her ass larger, like she needed any help to be dragging a wagon.

It would be most unfortunate to have the voters reward him for his ethical malfeasance with the Ukraine, China, and FISA warrants.

We shall see what karma awaits.


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Yeah, Biden is Out to Lunch

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just like the Trump-Russa conspirators.

There do seem to be some real concerns

WARNING: This video contains a couple of clips of our President swearing. Do not watch if offended by such language.


Biden is french fry short of a happy meal.

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lol that was fun.

By the way American Lives matter. What has Biden done for America in 40 + years of being a career politician?

He is old and his mind has gone AWOL.


Is Joe Biden senile…close. And he’s deteriorating rapidly.