Is Joe Biden Senile?

It’s not funny, it’s understandable. Spade Marlowe (aka Humphrey Bogart) is about as manly as you can get. :wink:

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Biden says he came to the Senate 180 years ago
That might explain the constant gaffes. He’s dead tired.


Delaware State is a HBC? How would a white racist not remember going to a HBC?

He’s lost the plot.

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And Kamala thinks Tupac is the best rapper alive?


Not the first time he made up stuff about his educational background.

From his 1987 campaign (before being forced out for plagiarism):

“WASHINGTON (AP) _ Sen. Joe Biden claimed during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire last spring that he finished in the top half of his law school class, although records indicate he finished near the bottom.
In a videotape aired by the public service cable network C-SPAN several months ago, the Delaware Democrat was asked at a campaign stop in Claremont, N.H., on April 3 about what law school he attended and how well he did.
On the videotape, a clearly angered Biden told the questioner: ″I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do.”


Did you also catch at the beginning he said, “there will be no deportations in the 1st 100 days of my campaign?” :grimacing:

People call Trump TRAITOR. How’s that.
We’re supposed to shut up and take it?

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I think there is some truth in ODS from Cons led to TDS in Libs.

Obama was called worse on a daily basis here.
And y’all clapped and hollered and claimed it was all true.
Give us a break.


Yeah so how did this senility gag work out at the debate anyway? Well?

BDS from Bush.

I am not sure that counts. Half the Trumpers hated Bush, even if they voted for him. But if it does we could go all the way back to CDS for Carter, I don’t have any memory before that.

Of course it counts, it’s where the term originated. We can go much further back than Carter.

He did get lost at one point and Moderator guided him back to the right topic.
Otherwise he did fairly well. Guess they loaded him with Geritol before hand.
He got away with few whoppers and not answering questions, clear indication his honesty is in the toilet.
But coming from Democrats in Gov. no surprise, people don’t need to know, they’re there to take care of their servants.

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That is super impressive that it only took a hundred fifty interruptions to throw a lifelong stutterer off his train of thought once.

See, she deserved it. Just like it was okay to question whether Barack actually was born here.
But how DARE YOU say anything bad about “The Chosen One”.

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My what a narrow perspective.

Who started it.
Then also the process was set up where Trump had no chance to respond to many Biden’s lies unless he interrupts.
Pluss Biden called him names, lied and started it all.
So…I rest my case.

Trump asked for proof of where OBama was born.
Great difference from same America haters using FBI and CIA, [while in office], to spy on American citizen or a President dully elected.
Oh…permit me to say…it’s not that Trump droned to death American citizen without court process like we know O Bum did once…[once that we know off, mind you].

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He is senile. Just because he got a shot before the debate to make him wake up a couple hours…