Is Jesus a radical?

The Jury must be the people of the future. Who keep searching for the truth.

This book below is one of many, that questions things and shines light on history, perhaps you’ve all read it.

This amazon page has a Read Sample with some provocative statements in the Introduction, from a very credible Jewish Bible Professor that might approach some of the thoughts this thread is asking and begging answers to questions that might have incendiary answers.

Who is the Jury? Philo of Alexandria? Pythagoreans? Hypatia?..Ramses II? Josephus? Or are they and others the expert witnesses?

I give up. Who?

Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Covenant Scripture. – we call it the Pentateuch. The Septuagint (Genesis to Malachi) is in the original Hebrew. Moses could not have known what happened 2500 years before he was born without the inspiration of God.

The NT Apostles and writers were Jews. Apostle John that wrote the Revelation was a Jew.

They kept all of their records in the Temple in Jerusalem. They kept records religiously. The records of the number of Jews were kept there. They were Jews by blood.

40 men wrote the Bible, 32 wrote the OT, 8 men wrote the NT.

The writers of the NT are: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James and Jude. All Jews.

The judgment occurred in the first Century. God selected Judges in the OT to handle disputes among the people, both religious and civil disputes. I cannot find any juries involved in making judgments in Scripture.

Egypt kept written accords of history spanning back well over 10,000 years. They shared such things with Solon and Plato. They laughed at the thought of there having been only the one flood.

Noah was born 1056 years after Adam. He was 600 years old during the flood. The flood happened about 1656 years after Adam.

The Tower of Babel where God scattered men over the face of the earth occurred about 100 years after the flood but before Abraham was born.

This was before ancient Egypt, Greece, and other early civilizations. These civilizations couldn’t have had their beginning until after God scattered people from Babel.

Sorry. :smirk:

Seriously, do you have any of those writings?

It’s all in Plato’s own accounts and there are many books on the subject. In this instance I am paraphrasing from Timaeus.

As far as floods go, the Burckle Crater meteor is probably responsible for what Noah thought was a global flood. This was about 5,000 years ago.

The flood before that (a truly “global” flood), was the result of a shotgun blast of debris from a broken comet striking the northern ice sheets ~13,000 years ago. Evidence can be found in the Hiawatha Crater in Greenland, and also another crater east of Hiawatha.

This series of events during the Younger Dryas is the cause of the largest mass extinction in the last 3-5 million years. 70% of all mammals in the northern hemisphere weighing 100lbs or more went extinct. Civilization was reset, and that’s where the Parable of Cain and Abel originates (animal husbandry vs Horticulture).

Coastlines equaling the landmasses of Europe and China combined went hundreds of feet under water and have been there ever since.

WE ALL ARE! You don’t believe in Satan/AKA Lucifer, or a rebellion in heaven, but it isn’t necessary to understand the point.

God has a viewpoint: Above all he loves us. Because he loves us he wants us to love him, which we show by trust and obedience. If God tells us NOT the do something, we should NOT do it because we trust that He knows best and would not command us to do something harmful or forbid us to do something that’s good for us.

The way he demonstrated his viewpoint to us, is by allowing us, starting with Adam and Eve, freewill. Also, there were two thirds of the angels that sided with God who are also part of the jury.

It has been asked why didn’t God destroy Satan, or why didn’t God prevent Eve from eating the forbidden fruit. Had He done either, man would not be in the predicament we’re in. I’ve heard many people blame God for the mess in our world.

There is only one punishment proscribed for sin in the entire Bible- DEATH! We have talked about the ten commandments (the law) in this thread and that breaking even one of them is sin. Romans 6:23 says “The wages of sin is death…” We also discussed that Jews were given just ten commandments to follow and they ( and every other person) could not keep those. Yet if you go back to Eden we find that Adam and Eve only had ONE commandment to keep- DON’T EAT OF THE TREE IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN", we also find the death penalty for sin was instituted right there… God continued with IN THE DAY YOU EAT OF THE TREE, YOU SHALL SURELY DIE!!

This is why the gospel is incomplete without an understanding of the seriousness of and penalty for sin. DEATH, AKA PERMANENT SEPARATION FROM GOD! Whether you believe in Hell or not, God makes it clear that we can not enter Heaven without our sin being dealt with, and the one and only thing that can deal with our sin is Jesus Christ, and more specifically, HIS BLOOD. I believe you quoted Hebrews " Without the shedding of blood, there can BE NO remission of sin." This is why for 1400 years the Jews had an animal sacrificial system, to deal ( on a temporary basis) with sin, but again in Hebrews we learn that the blood of animals is insufficient to be a permanent sacrifice. But the blood of Jesus WAS SUFFICIENT as a permanent sacrifice for sin, but here’s the catch- WE HAVE TO ASK FOR IT! It is not granted to everyone automatically because forcing it upon people who don’t want it didn’t ask for it is another form of force! Yes, Jesus loves us, and while love can be used as a verb as in the love that compelled Jesus to go to the cross, love can also be a noun, as in the love he has for us and all those he created But love, whether as a noun or verb, doesn’t by itself deal with our sin. ONLY HIS SHED BLOOD DOES THAT!

WE the jury, get to see for ourselves what self determination has done. It has caused every bit of misery and death and destruction that mankind has ever endured or suffered. Scripture says that EVERY KNEE WILL BOW before God before final judgement, that includes Satan, or every evil person and unbeliever. No one in Heaven will ever question God’s viewpoint, nor blame God for those who rejected him, because we’ve been allowed to experience and witness the results of sin.

God want us to FREELY AND COMPLETELY LOVE AND WORSHIP HIM. The slightest bit of coercion on his part would make him a tyrant. We might never know if we were forced to love and obey him, BUT HE WOULD KNOW. Only tyrants accept forced praise and obedience as genuine…

Almost every civilization has a flood story like the one in Genesis. It is about the same flood. They knew the story before they were scattered and they have their own way of worshipping God. For the native Americans, they had the Great Spirit.

There have been many floods. Two of which I listed (physical evidence and all) that were more impactful on civilization than anything we have in written history.

The City of Jericho is one of the first built (over 11,000 years ago) after the events of the Younger Dryas catastrophe.

Oddly enough, the oldest known human settlements (that are made of megalithic stone) are found in Turkey, in the Taş Tepeler region. This area is between the headwaters of the Euphrates and Tigris, not far from Mount Ararat. :wink:

History is way older than we understand. Sapiens alone have been here for several hundred thousand years. At one point we shared this Earth with a dozen other species of Human.

Where are all of the people? The population of the earth now is evidence of a young earth. Not “several hundred thousand” years.

“…there is abundant evidence that the entire human race came from two people just a few thousand years ago (Adam and Eve), that there was a serious population crash (bottleneck) in the recent past (at the time of the Flood), and that there was a single dispersal of people across the world after that (the Tower of Babel).1 It surprises them even more to learn that much of this evidence comes from evolutionary scientists. In fact, an abundant testimony to biblical history has been uncovered by modern geneticists. It is there for anyone to see, if they know where to look.”

The flood was around 1,600 years after Adam. The account of Babel was a few hundred years after the flood.

The oldest complete human skeleton found in the UK is over 10,000 years old. His name is Cheddar Man. According to his DNA, he was a black man with blue eyes, and is likely typical of what people in that area looked like back then.

Going purely by genetic evidence/facts:

In other words, the real life “Adam” and “Eve” never met.

The last major bottleneck in genetics is ~12,000 years ago. Before that, it was ~70,000 when Mount Toba (one of the super volcanoes) last erupted.

In both of these events, other species of humans went extinct.

Everything I have just said is peer-reviewed and verified facts that do absolutely nothing to threaten anything taught in the Bible, which is all allegory/metaphor/parable.

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The Jesus commercials in the Super Bowl made me think of this thread.

The washing of feet strikes me as a radical image, a radical idea - that the son of god should wash the feet of his followers…

Pretty rad.

And yet Jesus did wash the feet of his apostles, and even rebuked them for feeling it was beneath him.

I’m having a hard time finding it right this second, but my favorite “protestant propaganda” piece during the Reformation was the image where on the left, Jesus was washing the feet of his disciples, and on the right was an image of the Pope standing up from his throne so that a peasant could kiss the fine gem on the solid gold ring on his finger.

Baptists are neither Protestant nor Catholic, but were persecuted by both and they persecuted each other. Many Protestant rulers have been as arrogant and anti-Christian as any Pope. If everyone had the humility of Jesus this world would be a much better place.

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Who are the “Kalani”

"Flavius Josephus …(in the) Antiquities of the Jews … quotes Aristotle (384 b.c.e.–322 b.c.e.) as saying that Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers and are known as the Calani. Clearchus of Soli was a student in Aristotle’s school. In his book, De Somno, he elaborates on the story of how Aristotle discovered this information, but the basic concept remained the same. Megasthenes was … an ambassador of Seleucus I of Syria to … India, before the latter’s death in 288 b.c.e. … Megasthenes wrote that the Jews were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani. Except for the spelling he agreed with Aristotle and Clearchus. Higgins also claims that Ur of the Chaldees, the home of Abraham mentioned in the Bible, was actually Ur of the Chaldeans. “Chaldean,” he continues, is actually “Kaul-Deva” or the Holy Kauls, a Brahmanical caste of India. … He writes that the tribe of the Brahmin Abraham was expelled from or left India and settled in Goshen in Egypt. Finally, he states, “The Arabian historians contend that Brahma and Abraham, their ancestor, are the same person” [emphasis added]. —
The Hebrew Bible adds another possibility regarding the relationship between India and Israel:

To the sons of his concubines Abraham gave gifts, while he was still alive, and he sent them away from his son Isaac eastward, to the land of the east. — Genesis 25:6"


Brahma the creator god of Vedic Hinduism and his wife Sarai is the origin of the story of Abraham and Sara.

The Kalani, was the Jews.

How can further exploration of the History of the Jews, bring further understanding without waking up to the far more ancient scriptures and histories and epics from India?

Faith itself is not about knowing every detail from the past, yet, debate without CONGRUENT dialogue does not help

The Universal Law, is not a code or debate. Congruent dialogue is a different kind of debate that is always OPEN to impartial, weighing of facts about not only one point of view, but reasoning, where people having dialogues, no longer only use only a single belief based on very one-sided “books”

Another book to read and consider

If others haven’t see John Allegro’s most notorious book…here is a sample. Allegro was an early translator of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Later, removed due to controversy.

For a “radical” view of Indian History:

Much info on a corrected timeline of Ancient India.