Is it true? Is it true that both Trump and JD Vance are married to *LEGAL* immigrants?


I’ll be honest I thought she was Armenian at first until Samm helpfully corrected me.

But it makes perfect sense. The future of the Republican Party is Indian. Out of all the immigrants that come here, Indians are by far the most economically conservative. Give it another 20 years and all the big wigs in the R party central committee will be of Indian descent.

“You punk kids- GET OFF MY YARD”



Does the Neo Nazi have a “check mark” verification
or is it one of the many bots and trolls gaslighting

It’s non-racist accounts commenting on weird takes that are screenshotting these things.

I never associated conservatives with Stormfront or racism. That was never me.

Stuff like this pops up in my timeline, too:

But does this make me whatever Godforsaken sort of Marxist–Leninist being quoted that this is? No, it does not.

Now, if you want to know what my Twitter habits are, I’m following milquetoast centrists, libertarians, nationalists, Integralists, and conservatives. Most of my political followers are conservatives and libertarians.

My mistake. I apologize.

I think i remember who I was thinking about now.

I can delete if you want me to.

It’s fine. Just put an edit on the first line admitting the mistake. I don’t normally like it when the conversation flow is broken.

The checkmark has become worthless ever since you could pay to have one, but the account didn’t strike me as a troll or a bot.

I have seen so, so many weird combinations of views, traits, hobbies, and interests on that site in the past few years. Racists with anime girl avatars, Nazis with anime girl avatars, catboy/femboy Nazis, socially conservative anti-“woke” Marxist–Leninists, Hitler-supporting Catholics, Muslims advocating Islam as the solution to the “decline of the West”, the Groypers.

Then there’s bizarre alliances between right-wing racists, Islamists, and trannies.

Eh? I didn’t call Vance racist. He clearly isn’t. Most Rrpublicans aren’t racist.

The concept of the checkmark (now) is that bots and imitators won’t pay to get one.

Below, the acct on the left is from some average Dilbert who made it very very big on Twitter. He posts mostly about stocks and the Fed, does not proclaim to be anyone special. A classic “influencer.”

The ones on the right are fakes.
They will pretend to be him and try to sell you a subscription service.

In a few weeks those fake accounts will be gone.
Someone will replace the fakes, again refusing to pay for the blue checkmark.

The racist guy wasn’t claiming to be anyone else.


  • some people hate him (for being a racist.) They will gladly imitate his account for the purpose of driving-away followers.

  • Others are jealous of how many followers he has. they will imitate his account either for commercial purposes or just to steal his audience.

Neither of the above is likely to buy a blue checkmark.
(Which btw cannot be bought with an anonymous “cash card.” It must be tied to some sort of bank or credit acct that has, ostensibly, verified the user’s ID in some manner.)

Where is this racist stuff?

It’s not in any of the pictures I posted. It was an account trying to rationalize support for Vance while knowing that he is married to a woman East Indian descent.

I doubt it was really racist.

Small point of nomenclature:

Usha Vance’s parents are from the Telugu-speaking region of India (which is on the eastern side) but the term East Indies and East Indian refers to an entirely different place, language and culture.

That’s definitely what rolling in the pig slop looks like! :rofl:

I didn’t find the quoted guy. But maybe I’m a connoisseur of weirdos.

Maybe you’re seeing exactly what you’re seeking. :wink:

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No. It’s not true. Vance’s wife is not an immigrant.

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