Is it time to sue Google?

It’s not that surprising since these are the same pro-business, anti-government-intervention in the economy folks who want to trust bust big tech because they hurt their feelings.

Umm, Democrats are the ones whose committee said they were monopolies.

Cancel culture con style.


ALL of that: “White savior complex, “not all white people”, not believe POC experiences, denial of white privilege, “post-racism”, intentions > impact”

Is total baloney.

That’s nice, but clearly thats not the cohort I’m talking about.

Vanilla CRT “outrage” is fading gotta spike it with some new ■■■■

I don’t get it. How does this affect my life? I couldn’t care less what google does or says.

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I care when they censure what you can/cannot pull up off the internet along partisan party lines.

Makes me real likely to use duckduckgo instead.

That’s not how the Google search algorithm works. They do not intervene in the results served even when there is obvious manipulation. Essentially, the search results are a popularity contest using hundreds of factors.

Now that Larry Elder has been labeled a “black white supremacist” by the lunatic left and the likes of “Fweedom Harris”? The libs have run completely irrelevant.

The sad thing though is, there are still sheople eating from this crazy trough and regurgibleating it as virtuous sanity.

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Ahh…still in denial.

There are different shades concerning white supremacy.


Provide for me examples of white supremacy? Who is dying? Who is being lynched? Where’s the violence? I’m not seeing it and if it’s there, I want to.

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Do you understand the concept of varying degrees of stuff?

Since there are no longer lynchings, white supremacy no longer exists?

Is that the bar?

My question was an easy one and if white supremacy is the number one threat, according to Chris Wray…there should be examples all around us. Now you regurgibleated this, now provide the examples and enlighten us all.

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Again, there are varying degrees. Here are some of the violence you asked for.

The most violent videos languished for years, lost or ignored in a digital vault. Louisiana State Police troopers and top brass alike would often look the other way, even as officers took to official messaging channels to banter about their brutality.

In one video, white troopers can be seen slamming a Black man against a police cruiser after finding marijuana in his car, throwing him to the ground and repeatedly punching him — all while he is handcuffed.

In another, a white trooper pummels a Black man at a traffic stop 18 times with a flashlight, leaving him with a broken jaw, broken ribs and a gash to his head. That footage was mislabeled and it took 536 days and a lawsuit for police to look into it.

Is the United States a “democracy”?

Jan 6th!

So this is what you provide? Where are the videos? All I’m reading is an accusation? Where is the evidence? You’ll have to do better than this and it should be easy? Remember…white supremacy is the number one threat? Now I can provide examples of violence, arson, destruction, looting and many other acts proving BLM is a terrorist organization, so why can’t you?


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