Is it time for the republicans to go on offense?

Or they could drag it out for years and finally admit that there is no there there… just like every ■■■■■■■ thing with Hillary Clinton.


We’ve got members here calling for the prosecution, trial, and imprisonment of Democrats and liberals, start with the Greatest Trial Since Nuremberg and work your way down from there.


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I disagree. I think the republicans have a pretty good hand. But will they play it?

Subpoena Shifty and he will either have to admit that he lied about not knowing the whistleblowah or continue to lie and perjure himself.

I think this is a gift laid at the feet of the republicans. The question is, what will they do with it?

They just had the ability to do exactly that.

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You guys swallow it up again. Believe whatever fox and breitbart tell ya. Maybe someday you’ll come out an independent thinker

Maybe the House of Reps could subpoena M McConnell.

the GOP doesnt have to go on offensive.
they are already offensive

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So did the democrats. Are you annoyed at all that they didn’t?

I’m hoping they learn from Trump, I’ve noticed libs are terrible on defense…and thus why they are always going on offense to keep repugs off balance.

Good idea? If no, why not?

Subpoena Shifty and he will either have to admit that he lied about not knowing the whistleblowah or continue to lie and perjure himself.

Why weren’t Republicans jumping up and down to call Bolton and Mulvaney as their witnesses to clear Donnie at the impeachment trial?

Why instead are they feeding the herd of independent thinkers moo-food about Hunter and Adam? Hmmmm? Amirite?

C’mon Altair, spit out the moo and demand Republicans call Bolton and Mulvaney, they’re the ones who can clear Donnie once and for all.

They must be great considering out of all the accusations never once been caught up

How do you know he lied. I’d like to see trump under oath. That would be a hoot

Um, Republicans voted down witnesses and documents.

How about the good old witness for a witness. If the republicans had anything at all they would have gone for it. Who has more to lose

They would if they though it would help them politically. Do you think this would help them?

Subpoena Shifty and he will either have to admit that he lied about not knowing the whistleblowah or continue to lie and perjure himself.

You know what would be going on offense?

The Republicans calling Bolton and Mulvaney as THEIR OWN witnesses to clear Donnie once and for all.

But they didn’t.

Hmmmm. Suspicious.

Everybody knows it. He can’t stop lying. Let’s subpoena him and make if official. Do you have a problem with that?


Why do you suppose the dems did not call these people? Was that a mistake?