Is it ok to say I LOVE YOU to other Males

I do every night before she starts to snore!

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Itā€™s not my business what you do, FF.

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I need guidance.

Actually my bed friend has been my wife for 22 years soā€¦

There are those that think so it seems.

I wish I could still tell my dad i love himā€¦

26 for meā€¦

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22 years in 3 weeks!

26 for me next month!

Time flies when youā€™re having fun!

And Time is fun when youā€™re having flies.


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Why wouldnā€™t it be OK for men to tell each other ā€œI love youā€?

I wouldnā€™t say it ā€œin Jesus nameā€.

Youā€™re implying that a total stranger goes up to another total stranger and says, ā€œHey man, I love you. In Jesus name.ā€

I would think that a come on, frankly. And not a gay one but rather a religious one.

Doesnā€™t Christianity teach ā€œLove Thy Neighborā€? Why, then, can one not say I love you if the neighbor is male & a valued part of oneā€™s life?

I am not sure why one has to tack on ā€œIn Jesus nameā€ unless you are afraid someone is going to take it the wrong way.

Now we are discussing ā€œself - loveā€?

Iā€™m out.

In my next prayer, Iā€™ll inform The Lord of your beef. :slight_smile:

You have never seen my beef.

Thereā€™s some things that ya just canā€™t hide.

Youā€™re not getting my Bud Lite

Heā€™s using ā€œIn Jesus nameā€ to mean ā€œNo ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€.

Why is ā– ā– ā– ā–  censored, but not homosex?