Is fake news controlling how people think?

Fake news is has a hefty price tag. The Telegraph’s apologizes to FLOTUS with “substantial damages”. Last year Daily Mail paid out $2.9 million. Let’s see what the Covington boys get.

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I think its obvious especially on this forum.

Then why are you on the website of premier host of Fox News insulting his place of business & by association insulting Sean himself.

It’s astounding what liberals get away with on this forum and makes me want to ask who is minding the store!

The USA media and our free speech laws are different then the European media and their speech laws so I’m not sure how the Covington kids will fare.

It’s funny though, liberals and the MSM in the USA are always praising the Euro way of life but if they tried their tactics of fake news or manufacturing news over there, they wouldn’t survive.

Real hall-monitor hours over here.

You’re already being controlled in your thinking by fake news if you believe AOC said the world will end in 12 years.

If we can show you the fake stories Fox News has run, would you admit it was a fact-based comment and not an insult?

I don’t listen to Hannity so I kinda understand. I can’t stomach any mainstream media. Fox included. My son peaked my interest in the forum. A group from a college class studying political forums used this one for data and research sampling. Amazing discoveries. I’ve never listened to a Rush show as well. A few “resistance” members post what he says daily. Rather astonishing.

Red pill me - Morpheus

I agree 100%.

In Trump jargon that would be 120%, or more.

You’re alleging guilt by association. I thought conservatives abhor that fallacious logic.

Guess it depends on the situation.

There’s a reason why we hear news on Hannity we won’t hear anywhere else.

Ya know who called the news media the enemy of the people? Richard Nixon
Ya know what Richard Nixon called the Watergate investigation? Witch hunt
Ya know what happened to Richard Nixon?
Ya know that 22% of the population approved of Richard Nixon.

Me thinks that good ol Donnie has been studying what Richard Nixon did.

There are people on this very thread who believe Richard Nixon was railroaded.

Are you the Hannity police? There are many more of US here who are center and left of center. Hey, I heard Ann Coulter LIE to Bill Mahar Friday night. Isn’t she a continuing guest of FOX? Tucker Carlson LIES too.

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There is enough of them here to flag your post and remove it if it doesn’t fit there narrative.

No libs can remove posts on this forum.