Is civil disobedience morally justice

Its not black face.
its Arab face little less offensive.

It’s less offensive because it’s a lighter shade? Wow. :thinking:

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I think civil disobedience is a valid tactic against tyranny, as long as the protesters are non violent and willing to go to jail.
MLK Jr. was a sleaze bag of a man, but his non violent protests changed the course of civil rights. They worked.

Never heard of Arab face he should have picked a lighter color pallete though if that was what he was going for.

I don’t think they makes a darker shade of black than what he’s wearing. It looks like a depiction of black people from those old 1930 Disney cartoons, that 11 of them are currently banned by the name “Censored Eleven”.

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What’s the difference? She is peacefully protesting…period? Who is the who that is above the people and all must submit? IYO…it’s the court? If the court weighs in, it’s over?

she is purposefully breaking the law similar to MLK Jr.
she is defying the government because she view their action as injustice.

I think people have a moral obligation to defy laws they view are injustice, if they do so non-violently.
I support Linda.

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Political prisoner

He had a lot of help from people who actually fought back. It took both to achieve the goal.