Is Chris Murphy the Dumbest Democrat in the Senate?

This is a breathtaking self-own.




He’s not smart enough to see it, and neither will the libs. :wink:

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But these people are literally holding Hamas flags. It’s impossible not to make the connection.

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The washed up aging libs were enthusiastically rooting for the insurgents to drive us out of Iraq 20 years ago. Every dead Servicemember was another, “See?? We’re wrong and they’re right!!”

The ones holding the hamass flags now are just younger versions of them, worshiping the same terrorists as them. :man_shrugging:

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Now that Kamala is no longer in the Senate he just might be the dumbest.


Where’s the contradiction?

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Yes, those people are.

to answer the question posed.

dems. maybe.

but the DPITS (dumbest person in the senate)

is Tommy Hawley Tuberville.

Murphy still has a long way to go to catch him in the race for dumbest.


Hamas brutally slaughtered over 1000 innocent Israelis on October 7th. They built their headquarters under a hospital. There is no defending this. Hamas doesn’t even care about their own people. I am behind Israel in the annihilation of Hamas. Why it is that neighboring Muslim countries will not accept Palestinian refugees until it’s done…is on them. Hamas started what Israel is now forced to finish.


Flag or no flag, its not easy to differentiate between hummus and chickpea

Not sure he’s the dumbest…there is plenty of them.


Murphy dumb, Chris Coons? Dumb
Aw hell, you’re right there’s plenty of em

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I still want to see a reality show made where western LGBTQ groups go and visit Gaza and throughout the he Middle East and try to change the hearts and minds of Hamas, Isis and the Taliban.


Never happen and we all know why.

Please, it is a long list to achieve the dumbest senator…


With Kamala out of the senate there are probably several tied for the dumbest.

I would like to thank Chris and the Democratic Party for inspiring Hezbollah to attack Israel! Chris you damn well know Hamas is Palestine stop the gaslighting. Hamas to Palestine is what abortion is to the democrats.

What Murphy did is equivalent to letting out a wet fart and everyone looking at you and saying it wasn’t me.