Is Beto O'Rourke the new Obama?

Why do I get the feeling there is a confederate flag in his background some 40 years ago that will get Democrats running away from him en masse? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Who did you vote for in 2016?

I voted for Cruz in the Primary and wrote-in McMullin in the General.

Johnson. Alaska had no Presidential primary vote, but I would have voted for Kasich if we did.

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30 plus years after the fact. The witness statements are included in the accident report.

I debated Johnson but his border policies were just too much for me to handle. Talk about “open borders”. :joy:

We got that a long time ago and moved on. I don’t care who pays for it, it’ll pay for itself in less than a decade.

As you said before:

Did anyone corroborate this witness’ accusation?

It’s only sexist if it isn’t true. That is what we typically called a traditional family for several centuries.

He was the only eye witness apparently and made a timely report to the police.

Try your false equivalencies elsewhere.

The only reason I voted for Johnson, was because it was the only thing I could vote for that wasn’t Trump or Clinton.

Yeah, I know his policies are bad, but that wasn’t the point. I simply wanted to send the top two a message: give me something I can actually vote for please.

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So it was an uncorroborated accusation - which by your own definition is “not evidence”.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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I’ll believe that when the taxpayers get their ‘front money’ returned.

Illegals are costing us upwards of 150bn per year. Cut the flow, return them as they are found and in less than a decade it’s paid for with dividends.

Good. That should cover about half the yearly interest on the debt.

We are in complete agreement. I took a slightly different path. But the same message I was hoping to deliver. And I’ll probably do it again in 2020. And maybe every damn election from here til I meet God.

I want to know who’s pulling his string with all that arm movement going on, who’s the puppeteer or is he an ex runway airplane guidE, more like a yes man for who ever is pulling his strings.

Seriously the man is weak at convincing people he’s better then Trump at creating a strong economy or even creating job or even leading people to success, I see him as leading people to welfare like Obama did. period

Is it as bad as having relations with a porn star while his wife is pregnant?

That’s sexist?

My wife and I have a 6 year old, a 3 year old and a 6 month old. As a stay at home mom, my wife unequivocally does most of the child rearing. It’s a role she dearly wanted and wants. It’s not my preference—I’d rather she work full time as a nurse. But because I love and respect her immensely, it’s completely up to her and I’ll support her decision as long as she makes it. That’s hardly sexist.

It’s baffling he actually aplogized for the remark. Caved to the mob.

Hopefully he will recite his poem
“The Song of The Cow”, for the mob. With hand movements of course.