Is America in Decline?-A Culture Wars Discussion

Why does it seem that way?

  1. It starts in the home
  2. It starts with honesty.

That was their right. It still is.

“Morally expected”? It was a social norm, not a moral expectation. Now the social norm is mothers pawning off their kids to be cared for by others while they go to work. Some people may even consider that particular social change to be immoral.

The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 made that illegal. Do you have something new? The rapid decline of our society has been mostly in this century, not the last one.

I don’t understand your response.

The rest of my reply from which you took the quote explained my point about the increase in fatherless homes that is a huge factor in our cultural decline.

If we’re talking about the decline of America in this thread, it’s not fathers who die early that’s contributing to it. (Unless they died as a result of other aspects of our decline, such as a drug overdose, or being murdered, or getting killed in the commission of a crime.)

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By dismissing them as uneducated, racist, gun-toting, Bible huggers. He was divided the country neatly in half. He even threw his own Grandmother under the bus as a “typical white person.” When he spoke of “fundamentally changing America” he wasn’t talking to them, he was wagging his finger in disapproval of them.

And Biden picked up right where he left off. This country is more divided now than at any time since 1865.


That has nothing to do with his credibility.

Society, not morals.

That’s not what “disenfranchise” means.

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Women actually have more freedom (socially) then men. Men are expected to work, to build careers, to support their families. Women can do whatever they want regardless of having children.

And it’s not just waitressing or secretarial work. More than half of the engineers where I worked are now women. All of the doctors I see are women except for my urologist and he has a woman PA. Even our two vets (one for the dog, one for the cats) are women. Half the time I fly, one of the two pilots are women.

But what of the children … :thinking:

Happy wife…happy life…

Sounds right to me.

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Yes, and those days are gone, since the govt has the idea you shouldn’t be allowed to do those things.

Drive an old(er) car? Nope, Cash for Clunkers get those off the road to make way for those electric cars they want to force you to buy at some point.

Grow your own good? gasp! Can’t have that. Especially if you plan to irrigate with a rainwater catchment system. The govt owns that water dammit. Homesteading and self sufficiency is now “far right” and up there with terroristic tendencies.

The govt is working hard to make you dependent on them and them alone, and the perpetually stupid follow along and spout the approved lines. Cow farts!!! Eat the insects!

The days of the govt promoting self sufficiency ala victory gardens etc. are long gone my friend.


He wasn’t wrong. He was pointing out how the Democrats had failed the rural Midwest. Instead of working for them, they worked against them by pushing the Neo-Liberal pro business agenda that the right seized on by making them blame immigrants and the “other” instead of the people who pulled the factories out of their towns.

The thing is that Obama turned out to be the exact same sort of Neo-Liberal that the two previous administrations were makes the entire thing worse.

The bitter clinger was a lament… not an accusation.

Oh no… how dare he point out that even someone that he cares for deeply is still a flawed human and has prejudices. The horror.

Man… when did the typical white person become so thinned skinned?

Yeah. That is a kill your radio one.

That speech was an economic one. He was doing the Wall Street v Main Street thing.

In the end Wall Street won.

It was a speech… but he wasn’t wagging his finger… he was talking about economic opportunity for the middle class in the face of a cratering economy.

This is the problem when it comes to Obama… all of his words for some reason carry the worst connotation for the right but let’s say when a candidate says that he will be a day one dictator… no big deal.

And like 1865 it is apparently only one sides fault.


His credibility didn’t matter back then.

He was listened to and followed.

There was even a major 9/12 Tea party thing that he put together.

Glenn Beck was very influential seeing the Obama administration and he used that influence to spread the nonsense of old Bircher weirdos.

Is the suggestion here that we go back to a time before progressive policies? Where do we draw the line? Back to pre civil rights? Woman’s suffrage? The gays?

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Are you new? Discrimination against women in favor of men in hiring or promotion is illegal. Discrimination against men in favor of hiring or promoting women is not. The term they use to justify the former is “underutilized.”

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Maintaining the balance, huh.

Do you have a computer algorithm to do that, or do you just wing it?

In this modern society everybody gets a trophy …

We keep the good things and throw away the bad things.

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