Ingraham: ‘America We Know and Love Doesn’t Exist Anymore’ in Some Places, Look at ‘Massive Demographic Changes’

See my earlier post on political ramifications.

Obviously if someone is living in a jungle and has never seen the outside world, their world view would be very narrowly focused. To someone who lives in the modern world, the world view of these primitive’s would certainly be seen to be invalid.

But if these primitive’s were to remain in the jungle, why would we care? Obviously, if these primitive’s needed to integrate with the modern world some education would be required. But that would be more about adding to their life experience - thus allowing their view of the world to evolve. Its really not about categorically declaring their world view to be invalid.

Opinions are neither correct nor incorrect but they can be poorly informed.

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See my earlier response to mobulis.

So we are back to that. What you seem to be implying is that anyone who doesn’t see things as you do must be poorly informed.

We are not “back” to anything. Read what I said, not what you imagine I said.

No, I think that’s the point I was trying to make with the sentences you quoted.

I agree, but that doesn’t mean we can’t challenge hateful and false world views. Similar to the idea that everything a liberal or a conservative believes isn’t false, believing that everyone of a certain race is inherently good or evil is not valid. I don’t see any reason why we can’t challenge those assumptions.

Whether it is provable or not, at least one is incorrect.

True, but the issue at hand is whether or not one should try to convince others to change their world view. Since god isn’t provable or disprovable, lobbying for one or the other doesn’t make sense.

This is the crux of the matter.

And no reasonable person thinks all of their opinions are absolutely correct. I look forward to being wrong about things because that allows me to change my position and be more right overall.

But that is a slippery slope I see in abundance in this forum. You are correct that overt bigotry is behavior that should be challenged. But notice the distinction between behavior and a person’s individual world view.

And we must be careful not to make the leap to assume anyone who would support Trump must be a bigot.

This is exactly the kind of false generalization I’ve said is wrong multiple times in this thread.

Not necessarily.

For instance, let’s take abortion. There is strong emotion on both sides of this issue. Neither side is right or wrong. They simply have very different opinions formed by their life experiences and unique view of the world.

I wasn’t pointing at any particular forum member. I’m just stating what I observe frequently.

When it comes to politics, is there really a right or a wrong opinion?

Yeah. The point of the code is its deniability.

A story about a crime in which the perpetrator is called a “thug” again, and it’s just a coincidence that he’s black . . . again.

Usage of the word “race pimp.” A little closer to the line they’ve drawn.

This time some viewers apparently think they’ve gotten the go ahead to dispose of the code entirely.

You will need it.

You’re not a sovereign citizen?

Agreed. But we can work to change each other’s opinion. No big deal.

Why would you execute your governor?

To what purpose? Why would you care what I or anyone else thinks? :confused:

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