Inflation Worse Than Expected, 8.2%

Who had congress?

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Rising gas prices, plummeting stock market, hot inflation numbers, and how many weeks before the midterm elections?

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You mean House? It was a bicameral bill.

Congress covers both the house and the senate.

Too many…

The vision gop is gonna be full of vision again. Can’t wait.

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The economy was recovering on its own…then bozo and the Biden’s showed up and started pouring gasoline on the fire. We are all suffering because of the stupidity of this administration.

I blame Joe Biden’s voters.


You aren’t being honest.



An 8.2% inflation (current headline rate)
will not be brought down unless and until the Fed Funds rate becomes
8.3% or higher.

Very recently the Fed Funds Rate was literally zero,
so that means moving from zero to 8.3%
If done quickly that is recessionary. Very recessionary.

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Didn’t reset anything.

We all watched it in real time.

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Nor are you by ignoring the senate vote. But that’s not actually important in this yet another arghhh democrats thread.

And yet you can’t get basic facts straight. Fascinating.

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I’m not ignoring it. The 'Rona Hysteria was driven by NY, NJ and California. The shut down was done by yaboi.

Michigan cried like a rat eatin’ onions.

Yeah, Trump signed it. And warned what was going to happen. He caved.

Where do spending bills originate?

Voting against the stimmies was political suicide, not least because of the media frenzy.

This country lost it’s freakin’ mind and it was dems who led us over the cliff. Yes, republican polls followed like the good little lemmings they are, but they didn’t lead it.


None of what you wrote is wrong. Thank you for taking the time and actually introducing context.

You are 100 percent correct. I didn’t mean to be a butt.

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The good news is the remaining dems with common sense can see at least some of the costs of “free” ■■■■■

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Can’t think of anything less effective than the GOP in turbulent times. Looking forward to watching them try to solve problems–they never last long once that starts.

You weren’t.

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Droughts will do that.

I really wonder what Republicans plan to do about problems like that. Can’t blame historic droughts because that sounds suspiciously like climate change is a thing.

In a lot of cases, they’ve put themselves on the hook for doing something impossible.

The energy price threads will be an endless mine of entertainment.

The GOP have no solutions. I don’t think that the Dems do either past ride it out since inflation is a global problem right now… but I don’t blame Republicans for using it to their political advantage in an election year.