Inflation, Economic Policies and Covid Chaos

The cannibalism is beginning.

Former Obama economic aide: I 'warned' Democrats about inflation, wonders how Biden got it 'so wrong' | Fox News

“The original sin was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, passed in March. The bill — almost completely unfunded — sought to counter the effects of the Covid pandemic by focusing on demand-side stimulus rather than on investment,” he wrote. “That has contributed materially to today’s inflation levels.”


Doubtful. They nominated an actual communist that wants to abolish private banking to head the Treasury. And the leftist posters here get so agitated when the term “Marxist” is bandied about.


Cannibalism seems like an extreme exaggeration.

Guy gave some advice. It wasn’t followed. Guy thinks it should have been. Guy talked to Fox news about it.


A little more

The relief packages were all to big and poorly designed. What I don’t remember is any Democrat resistance to the size or structure of any of them.

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So if that spending was bad and pushed inflation, the logical step is more of the same?


I’m waiting for Biden to call this guy coffee boy that he has never met. Or that he was fired and a loser who beg for this job back.

Screenshot 2021-11-17 214926


The global economy was shutdown for 14+ months. No one is buying the inflation is all Biden’s fault narrative.


Timing can be a bitch.

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Deficit spending and amassing of national debt is not something owned by one president or another.

And one president’s deficits will never justify the next president’s deficits.

Cannibalism is a perfect term for what is happening. But it is not “beginning” now. It has been ongoing. It has been accelerating. I see no end to it. We as a society, as a culture, have become addicted to the Public Trough.

Keep printing money. Keep fabricating “wealth” propped up by unsupported debt. Print the money needed to pay the interest on the printed debt.

When this thing collapses, we will end up seeing true cannibalism.

invest in fava beans?

Telling the left not to close down businesses which facilitated the need for the gimmies.


Little problem with this scenario, there was no high inflation under Trump.


It’s your mess. You wanted the presidency, congress and senate and now YOU have it. Libs own it all.

But nice deflection.


:rofl: Yep. Guess what ilk did it.

Obama’s posse is

Like I have always said, small government will win in the end, the only question is if it will win before or after the economic collapse.

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I wouldn’t call Rattner a posse…

Oh now we are all in this together…

Facts remain…libs voted for this. You here lecturing me about deficit while your side is still fighting/auguring for BBB BS.


It’s same BS that libs love to pull. Trump killing Americans with Covid. Quarter of millions of Americans died under Trump watch etc before election. Now that nearly a half million died under Biden in less then a year we are all in this together.

Sorry libs…American people aren’t buying your BS anymore.