Income equality. Where to start

Can you not say, kiss my ass and walk…at any time? Are you that easy to replace? Do you not have any skills that you bring to the table? No one has power over you…

…well…cept my wife. “Coming dear”. Gotta go. :sunglasses:

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Should a person be forced to join an organization to work?

That is a compelling argument and one that has won the day in many states. Ultimately what is does is weaken the position of workers, union and non union alike.

Yes or no.

Should a person be FORCED to join an organization and FORCED to give that organization money just so they can work?

You decide?

As I said, it’s a compelling argument.

My father was a member of the carpenter’s union and i have seen firsthand the good that the union did for him and his family. And as counter intuitive as it is I would say yes, in certain trades, being required to join a union is the right thing.

Decide what? I thought my answer to your question was clear.

Decide one, hamburger, JC Penny.

That’s not a yes or no answer. Should a person be FORCED to join an organizatoin and FORCED to pay them money just so they can have a job?

It’s a real simple queston.

My grandfather and father were in a union working for a mine. I used to have an article describing how my Grandfather stole a ladder from a hardware store, put it up aginst the building, climbed up and jumped from the roof flattening a bunch of “scabs” going to work at the mine.

I also saw how the Union dumped my father when he got sick, couldn’t work anymore and couldn’t pay his “dues” for their help.

I know you want it to, but try looking at it again and talk to me about money instead of wages.


OK, how about hamburger and Goodwill?

I already answered, “And as counter intuitive as it is I would say yes, in certain trades, being required to join a union is the right thing.”

Sorry about the crap your family went through. My dad also saw his share of crap, the union wasn’t perfect but in balance it was a positive to be a member of a union.

So to work in certain fields of work in certain states you should be FORCED to join a union and FIRCED to give them part of you paycheck? Really?

No. Two bedrooms, steak and weed.

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Yes, that’s what I said.

Because as a union member your will likely get paid more, enjoy some level of job protection and will probably receive a pension.

What are you talking about? I was talking about shelter, food and clothing.

Why do you have weed on your mind? :wink:

Yes, you were. But you have no idea what’s on the mind of the person who “struggles to make ends meet”.

All because you are FORCED to join a untion and FORCED to pay them money just so you can work.

I really don’t know what it is that you’re trying to say.
