In what way is Democrat leadership/policies better for the middle class?

it is the truth. There is no stronger correlation when predicting poverty than whether or not someone grew up in poverty.

Lib is an insult now?

It’s bull ■■■■■

What did I say?

link? Wheres your LINK? Prove your claims

You are attempting to use it as causation as an excuse for solution.

If you give someone $30k a year for nothing, what happens year after next?

You are demanding a LINK to common sense. When I figure out how to do that, I’ll make Bill Gates look like a pauper.

I literally said correlation.

You give them another $30k and they do whatever they want with it.

Yes, while proposing a “solution” to break a cycle.

What about inflation?

Do you have a better idea? I’d love to hear it.

What about it? Do you think this will expand the deficit? What about the stimulative effects on the economy?

Feel free. Nobody is stopping you from writing checks to those people. In fact, I would love to see how your little “solution” works in real life as you pass out free money everyday to an ever growing group on the street corner. I want to see what happens when you run out of money or it becomes not enough for “whatever they want”.


universal basic income is not a new concept.

How about addressing causation instead of correlation?

What do you mean “what about it?” You going to ignore it? Where is the money going to come from?

How is it going to stimulate the economy? For every one you give it to, you have to take from someone else.

Identify the cause

where does any money come from? You could roll most welfare programs into a central program and lower overhead costs. Cut the ridiculous military budget. Means test social security. Lower healthcare costs by expanding medcaid.

Lastly pretend you’re Steve Munchkin and claim it will pay for itself with economic growth.

That’s already done.

Where is it currently working?

Of course it is. How does it stimulate the economy?

Lack of education
Married or with children or both under 25
No job

sounds like they could use some money to free them up to seek education or pay for child care.

The government doesn’t lower overhead. Ever.

No problem cutting the military budget as long as it isn’t troop pay.

Means test something they paid into their whole lives so you can have it? No.

“Lower healthcare costs”? Like an affordable care act?

Their education is already free.

Pay for child care? :rofl:

Holy ■■■■ you’re hilarious.