In My Opinion we're in the middle of modern day book burning

You betcha, for eternity.

Yes, they did. A new federation. Which did not attack Ft. Sumter.

Follow the thread…it’s not difficult.

Statue on public property is moralizing em…statue on private property is art and thought provocative.


Perhaps that’s because for forty plus years they were the mos famous band on the planet and sold upwards of fifty million records including 26 gold and platinum albums in the US?

How many of those were burned?

The statues are art by definition wherever they are.

For the builder/sculpture they truly are.

And by the literal definition of he words.

No he probably wasn’t a good person, and I said I have no problem of the removal of confederate statues as long as it’s not done by the mob and instead voted on or whoever is in office at the city they are in could have it removed. We are allowing the mob to decide what is appropriate or not sure how that can have a good ending.

When I say how do they compare I am saying there is no comparison because of the time lapse in which these events occurred, Saddams dictatorship had just fell they were probably people in that very crowd that either was personally tortured or persecuted by him or had a family member or friend who was.

We have seen this in past wars were right after a government falls tensions are high because these people lived under the oppressive government. Jefferson Davis on the other hand had been dead over 131 years no one in the crowd was persecuted by the man and most of the people doing the removing are white progressives who surely wasn’t persecuted by him.

But let’s look past Davis and say ok whatever burn him, what about George Washington who was tore down and a few days ago or the removal of Teddy Roosevelt under threat of the mob. Should these two men who rank usually no 1 and no 4 in best presidents of all time be compared to Saddam Hussein as well?

All these statue removals from a past that none of these people suffered under would be akin to the Egyptians raiding the tomb of the pharaoh Khufu and destroying his tomb because slaves built the pyramids even though none of them had a thing to do with it. What today’s removals look more like is the way the Taliban behaved trying to erase the past by destroying statues.


Besides, painting over someone else’s work is the ultimate insult in the art world.


You do know that a lot of southerners take offence to your calling their ancestors traitors right? Or do you really believe that everyone living in the south is a traitor?
For a group of people who carry on about having empathy the left sure seem to only have empathy when it helps them politically.
I have heard people say horrible things about the south. I have seen people post horrible things about the south on here.
Have you ever thought about this. That maybe the reason the south clings tight to the confederacy is because of the way they are spoken about and treated by the left?


Preserve them all and teach the history that surrounds them accurately instead of in a one sided manner.

For a hundred years following the war Southerners were demonized to hell and back and all painted with the same racist broad brush.

Finally we were making some headway in the nineties as the last vestiges of the Klan where it held any power were stamped out.

Then comes Obama and the meme first that he could only fail to get the nomination if racist, primarily southern democrats refused to vote for him and then of course once he had the nomination the meme shifted that the only reason he couldn’t win The Presidency would be racist republicans and again southerners being demonized.

Then he wins the election and every criticism of him is deemed racist and again southerners demonized as being largely responsible.

It’s no wonder then that people demonized to hell and back unjustly for more than a century tend to become clannish/tribal.

Than all those peaceful protestors who did not go home the minute the rioters and looters showed up became the same as the rioters and looters? There were no good people protesting than right?


And I tired of the double standard of the left. All the protestors knew there were rioters and looter but they still stayed. So that makes the protestors the same as the rioters and looters criminals.


“One standard for me, another for thee”.

It’s just who and what they are.

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That’s really well said. Thank You!

If hard leftists aren’t practicing hypocrites then they are doing it wrong.

Our society has been on fire for a month while the stupid Woke Mob whimpers about the things that hurt their feelings.

I m sick of them.


I don’t have empathy for people who rebelled against America in order to keep owning other humans as slaves.


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The looting began after the peaceful protestors left.
