In case you missed this libs (and you did)

Hunter actually DID accept millions of dollars from foreign sources to influence U.S. policy. Of course they had to wait until Joe was booted from the campaign to announce this. But you’ve seen this movie before. You know how the cover up works. Since your news sources are still in protect all democrats mode, I have provided this to you as a public service. Feel free to share!


I saw a perpetually single loser lib actually repeat the, “Both side great people!” thing again today.

They won’t be any more intelligent for seeing this, and they certainly won’t learn anything useful. :wink:


“drop out of the race and your son doesn’t get prosecuted” said no one ever…


I never claimed he would get prosecuted. I claimed he was guilty and your news sources were covering it up. And they still are. But you already knew that.


Well, that settles it - I’m not voting for Hunter!


Don’t be a goofball. I never asked anyone to vote for Hunter. I was just doing you a favor by informing you of the lies and cover up that your media and the DNC have been feeding you. You should be thanking me. But of course, even in the face of this corruption, you DNC cult members cannot face the fact that your beloved party isn’t full of flawless saints. :innocent:


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian businessman accused of corruption who was trying to “influence U.S. government policy” during Joe Biden’s term as vice president, prosecutors said in court papers Wednesday.

What did you think they’d say, since they’re prosecuting him? I bet his attorney disagreed.

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Do you think Ukraine and Russia did the same? Hunter got big kickbacks from them as well and provided little or nothing in return.

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Says the prosecutor.

You do know I’m an independent, right? I can guarantee you that anyone looking at my ballot would have no idea what party I belong to - because I don’t belong to one.

True. I think when Joe told the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor (and they did) who was prosecuting the firm who hired Hunter, that raises concerns that were never fully answered. Yes?


No. I did not know that. I will consider that next time (if I remember). :smirk:

On tv, because it was US foreign policy. Nobody was sneaking around.

Hunter is in the midst of being prosecuted- that doesn’t make anything the prosecutor says correct.

Incorrect. They refuse to answer any question regarding this. Zero, zip, nada. It’s a 20 million dollar cover up.


It is on video. It wasn’t an undercover mission. Biden Firing Ukraine Prosecutor Clip - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

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You realize Hunter sold the influence of the current President’s administration.

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Nailed it as usual. :rofl:


he was never running

I get it, crackheads saying literally anything to get money, when does that ever happen.

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Yeah, I know you don’t really believe everything a prosecutor alleges .