In case you haven't heard, another hate crime from the left

They are?

And they want her to vote on the Pro Act? Doesn’t seem very anarchist to me

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Years ago. Do you think they commonly wear Guy Fawkes masks to prevent Covid?

They are a confused lot. Anarchists usually are.


Antifa is not a self-proclaimed anarchist group to the best of my knowledge. They have a lot of anarchists in they’re ranks, but also other ideologies. But even if they were, how would that make all anarchy symbols into Antifa symbols?

Where’s the proclamation?

My main assumption of the Guy Fawkes masks is that they were done to look edgy having grown up thinking V for Vendetta was a cool movie about going after the govt. Most of them don’t know the deference between a fascist and a simple political opponent.

Antifa doesn’t wear Guy Fawkes masks.

That’s Anonymous.

Very different groups.

Name one poster here who claims there is never any hate crimes committed by people on the left.

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It’s all about that Asian Privilege.

Looks like the avengers symbol to me.

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Also. I’m pretty sure this was an inside job.

Makes sense. Antifa is a self-proclaimed Avengers group.

No, no, no, no. If that had been a white person it would have been right wing white supremacy and tied to Trump. Since it was a black man it was apolitical.


Where did he claim there is never any hate crimes committed by the left?

I didn’t say it was “apolitical”. I said it wasn’t a “hate crime.”

whoa… what now? Where did I claim that? A very dishonest move on your part.

Oh. What was the motive?

I guessing no answer to this one.

I imagine it had to do with politics.

Ok, if you think it requires an answer.
The response that saying it was a deeply disturbed individual would excuse the action of any political or racial hatred actions. If it had been a white person we would likely have just heard that he was a right winger and a white supremacist.