Impeachment Hearing Thursday 11/21/2019

This loud phone call at a restaurant, “Big Stuff” and now this rapper in Sweden should take the Shiff Show well into OT!

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Fascinating, The whole party became participants.

“let him get sentenced, play the racism card, give him a ticker-tape when he comes

May as well get some sleep.

We are beyond reasonable doubt level that Trump extorted Ukraine for help to advance a completely false, Russian-approved narrative, on 2016 interference and to affect the 2020 election in Trump’s favor with an announcment of an investigation into Trump’s main perceived rival.

The reality will be that Republicans do not care. And will run interference for these high crimes representing abuse of power, corruption, and obstruction.

The work being done here today is to send a message to the fellow Americans that represent our posterity that some of us recognized this for what it is and used the power of the Constitution to call it out.

Then Republicans in the Senate will signal their approval of direct corruption and abuse of power in the office of the Presidency going forward with their acquittal.

History will judge because Republicans in the Senate will not.


Bolton, Mulvaney and Pompeo should testify and all emails in question should be released. After all, if they exonerate the President, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

A target for the right’s impotent rage.

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Wait, what? An impeachment hear…today?

I thought it was “Over!”


a) The house is on fire! But before we put it out we need to find out who called the fire department and ask them how they found out about the fire!

b) One gets to face one’s accusers at a trial. For sure they don’t have any right to face their accuser until they’ve been charged with a crime.

In this case, that trial would be an impeachment trial. Are you saying you’d like Donald Trump to go to trial?

Kind of starting to think they have questioned him already and just didn’t know it

It was just a donation to the trump foundation

Hill pulling no punches.

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“Russia is operating like a Super PAC”

Dr. Hill

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I personally don’t see a happy ending for these politicians who continue to not only hitch their wagons to a corrupt wannabe Don Corleone, but defend while being complicit with his activities.

History will definitely judge them harshly, but most importantly I hope voters in these elections over the next few years will judge them too.

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umm it was always Kyiv

If you’d like to QED Nunes, have at it. QED-ing posters depending on the situation could be deemed trolling.

Why should he be different?


Did she do it yet?

Just a little twist on the way it’s always been.

Congress asks a person to testify - they don’t have to.
Congress issues a subpeona - person refules
Congress THEN had to go to court to get contemp charges from a court.

So instead of waiting for congress to go to court to attempt to get a contempt charge (show that the subpeona was valid, the subject issued the papers is asking a court to verify that it is a valid request.

The senate will play to part of the court.

It will be interesting to hear Nunes question Dr Hill. I can’t imagine that J Jordan will ask her any questions.